
Motivational Message Of The Week: Your Desire For Success Must Be Greater Than Your Fear Of Failure If You Want To Succeed…


A New Year is here and I am certainly sure that most of us have surrounded ourselves with rules and plans as part of the New Year’s resolution in order to help us realize our goals and achieve the success we deserve.

It is perfectly right and admirable as human beings to have regular reflection and planning exercises, via which we examine, scrutinize and carefully analyse the steps we have taken and the yet to be taken in the light of whether they have helped or would help in achieving the success we desire in life.

As we engage in the above, one thing we should make a prime concern and influence it to the greatest altitude is our desire for success. We all have a desire to achieve a lot, but “Is our desire for success greater than our fear of failure?”

A successful or would be successful individual has a much greater desire for success compare to his fear of failure. On no certain term would any person be able to achieve the success he desires without stepping out to take up the work needed to be done and the risk needed to be embraced.

When your fear of failure supplants your desire for success, it holds you back, making you extremely reluctant to step out there to chase your dreams.

No matter how aggressively you want success in your life, if your fear of failure as to the journey to be taken to bring the success you desire outweighs your desire to succeed, you will not attain the success you deserve. In fact, you may never even start the journey.

As we start a new week in our lives, let us bear in mind that, for us to succeed in life, our desire to succeed must overshadow our fear of failure.

Stand tall and ignore the messages which continuously remind you how much of a failure you have been in the past and therefore will fail again in your next move.

Love and lust success, let it be part of your everyday life as if nothing exist called failure. With such a robust outlook and a mind-set full of desire to succeed undermining your fear of failure, you will surely achieve the success you desire. Good Morning Readers & Have A Great Week!

By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri/ ScrewLife.Com


Chris-Vincent is an internet enthusiast & entrepreneur, web developer and a blogger, a law student with special interest in Human Success, Personal Development and Achievements.

As a multi-niche blogger, areas of web development, internet entrepreneurship and marketing are a close heartfelt passion. He enjoys blogging and making money online.

He loves to teach and share his online money making tips for free with others on www.ScrewLife.Com

Chris-Vincent runs with the catchphrase “Success Is A Right, Not A Privilege”.


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2 thoughts on “Motivational Message Of The Week: Your Desire For Success Must Be Greater Than Your Fear Of Failure If You Want To Succeed…”

  1. Ahhh yes! Let me be the first to welcome back the weekly motivational messages…Hallelujah oh because I was about writing an e-mail of complaint! lol. ‘Love and lust success’….I like that! I think yes you have made real valid points here. Its quite scary though that you could be holding such fears and feeding all the negativities in your head, all the while not knowing your success is being hindered. I believe I am a focused and determined person but every so often I know I have self doubt because of other people bad attitudes or my own doubt when things get almost impossible to keep going. But you know the other day I had to make an application for a course and I had to list all that I was achieving and I honestly forgot how much work I had put in, in the last five years. I was proud to be able to put together a list like that. I have in the past asked clients I work with to do the same. I feel it helps when feeling downtrodden or demotivated. Just sit and think of TEN great things and skills you feel you have then you’ll be surprised how you surge forward! I have to say though reading this article I am thinking to myself gosh…I don’t think I have that awareness of allowing that fear in and spoiling what I am trying to achieve so I need to watch out for that. Nice nice nice Chris…thanks I will surely heed to this one! Have a nice one today and God Bless! 


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