
Motivational Message Of The Week: Success Is The Sum Of Small Efforts…


I have come across countless people with a mindset not far from that of the amateur gambler in relation to success. This common mindset which has landed and continues to land many in failure is the same that has pushed many gamblers into uncontrollable debt.

Having a sky scraping desire to achieve success is a positive step towards life, in fact, such a mindset is the needed foundation to achieving success.

However, the above mindset should not turn one into a hasty climber. Success does not come with a sudden jump. It comes to those who crawl, build up the needed momentum to walk and then proceed to run.

Success is a concept which is better understood and easily achieved with patience and consistency. As Robert Collier once echoed “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out”.

You must have the patience and discipline to consistently put into whatever you are aiming to achieve “small efforts” day in and day out. That is the only effective way of achieving success without taking the high risk of throwing a gamble at your target.

As we commence a new week, start putting in the little that you can towards your goal. Success despises the last minute approach. If it is an examination that lies ahead of you, do not wait till the last minute to attempt doing all the learning, small efforts each day will build you up for the success you desire.

You must bear in mind that, success is simply the sum of all the small efforts one has geared towards a particular goal.

Do not be like the various amateur gamblers deluded by their sky scrapping desire for success, hence would put all they have with the hope to hit the jackpot. Success is not a jackpot. It is the output of years, months and days of little and little labour.

By: Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri/ ScrewLife.Com


Chris-Vincent is an internet enthusiast & entrepreneur, web developer and a blogger, a law student with special interest in Human Success, Personal Development and Achievements.

As a multi-niche blogger, areas of web development, internet entrepreneurship and marketing are a close heartfelt passion. He enjoys blogging and making money online.

He loves to teach and share his online money making tips for free with others on www.ScrewLife.Com

Chris-Vincent runs with the catchphrase “Success Is A Right, Not A Privilege”.



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4 thoughts on “Motivational Message Of The Week: Success Is The Sum Of Small Efforts…”

  1. it means that you have to work towards success day in and day out you can just expect to be successful without effort take barack for example he was poor as a child and throughout his life but now he is president thats what america can do it can break you or make you 

    • You get out in life what you put in basically! Though presidents are chosen and groomed for their position. Not a Barack fan….I don’t tink it matters where your from it’s whether you can do the job well. So when he starts doing big tings then I’ll jump up and down for joy! just feels to me that America is going down and if it’s gonna do that they chose a black guy to do it with…but that’s just me and my paranoid conspiracy theories lol 😀

    • Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out…when you put it like that it makes me feel like I ain’t even doing enough. I think it’s right though. The people in high achieving positions today probably ate, slept and dreamt their goal. Much as am not a fan I look at Beyonce and the lengths that woman has gone to achieve success. For her to be in her position is no joke, though I do feel she has probably sold out to achieve it so maybe she went a couple of steps TOO far! But yea it takes daily input to make something happen I guess. I need to get off my lazy behind and do something lol Chris you are now a philospher oh lol where du get this stuff? hmmmmmm lol nice one. God Bless Ya. x


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