
MUST READ: Only Fools Wait For The Right Time, How I Got To Know This!

Chris-Vincent-Agyapong Febiri
Chris-Vincent-Agyapong Febiri

From TopVincent.Com

The moment I hear a person say ‘I am waiting for the right time’ I just delete them out of any practical possibilities. Such people will not taste success today, tomorrow or the day after until the mindset of waiting for the right time is kicked into a deep pit.

I was just like the above persons-a big fool. I was so obsessed with perfection that, I always polished my shoes twice before wearing them-at night and the next morning.

Even after my double polishing, I will have to wait for the rains to stop (if it was falling) before stepping out with the shoes. If it was not going to stop in time, I would step out with ‘my so not important shoes’.

This was my little outlook of things. And in the bigger world, I played the same card. Until things seem perfect or right to me, I will never go in for them. Until the water is right, I would never swim-and I was never able to swim until I killed this mindset.

Millions of people today are in similar situation, waiting for the water to be clean and have the right current, temperature and density before jumping into it to swim.

Chancing on the right time is a perfect fantasy and will only remain an illusion. If any of us wants to achieve something REAL in life, we must let go this idea curtailing our progress.

When is the right time? There is nothing like the right time in life and there is never going to be a right time. If you are waiting for the right time to start something, then you will wait forever.

I clearly remember when a young lady I liked who lived out of town visited her mother (our next house neighbour). She was in town for a week and as keen as I was to see her, I wanted to visit her at the right time.

Against all odds, I was able to establish what the right time would be for my visit. The right time was supposed to be a day that; my mother was not going to be home (so she will not ask where I was going), her mother or any of their residents was not also be at home (so that no one would ask questions or by chance tell my mother I visited) and more importantly, it was supposed to be a day that I had a spotless face. As a teenager then, I had occasional spots on my face and I did not want to visit her when they were on full display.




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2 thoughts on “MUST READ: Only Fools Wait For The Right Time, How I Got To Know This!”

  1. Many times you have to wait for the right time. What will determine whether or not you succeed at the “right time” is what you do during the “waiting period”. Waiting period is not synonymous with idleness. It means constant and consistent upgrade and practice. That said, it is instructive to note that as long as you have laid the foundation with practice and consistency, it is worth giving a try to whatever venture even though in your minds eye, the time might not be right.


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