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WHY IS IT THAT: Husbands/Boyfriends Take The Advice Of Their Friends Before Their Women?

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I’ve read enough articles, self help books and watched enough programmes/movie’s etc  to assume I have armoured myself with all there is to know about men.

HOWEVER every time my opinion differs from my guy I realize, I.KNOW.NOTHING. I’ve also realised after reading all those money grabbing books that the best advice I ever get about men is from men themselves. I’ve been told that the same goes for the men out there. I am forever translating the arguments my brother has with his girlfriend on a very regular basis.

Do you ever, like me, sit with your girls on the phone for hours pondering the confusing behaviour of your men? You propose the same question to a male friend or male member of your family and in less than 5 words he has solved your mystery…

I once asked my cousin ‘Why do you guys always stick up for their female friends over you?’  Guys out there, you know the answer! But some of us don’t.

But of course men do also scratch their heads in confusion over our behaviour so you trust we ladies will answer the questions to your relationship dilemmas!

That’s why GC has come up with a spin to the relationship section on the site and instead of taking relationship dilemmas from individuals, we are putting it to the readers of GhanaCelebrities.Com on the how to get both men and women sharing advise  and tips.

If you have any ‘WHY IS IT THAT QUESTIONS’ e-mail them to us via and we’ll get your questions answered here.

SO, my first question for you guys out there that my pals, sisters, cousin and so on want to know!

‘WHY IS IT THAT husbands/boyfriends sometimes take the advice of their friends before us?

Even though we have given you the very same advise already, it isn’t useful till your friend says it? Why?


If you have any ‘WHY IS IT THAT QUESTIONS’ e-mail them to us via and we’ll get your questions answered here.

This post was published on April 24, 2013 11:55 AM

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