
A Rebuttal: ‘God Does Not Exist? You Must Be A Joker To Think So!’


I was doing my usual morning routine of going through the articles on when I came across the above titled piece.

Being one of those so-called atheists, I delved into the article to see what new knowledge has been gleaned that is so groundbreaking, so revolutionary that one can conclusively make the point that anyone must be a joker to believe God does not exist.

Instead what I found was just much more of the status quo, arguments with no factual basis but which you’re expected to take on ‘faith’; that most ‘be all and end all’ argument ender of the theist.

In an attempt at brevity, I’ll keep the arguments brief. The author raised some good questions atheists have about religion, but then deigned to skirt around giving the right answer, or misinterpreting the question entirely. Maybe by clarifying the questions a little more, we’ll get more on point answers in the inevitable re-rebuttal.

There is no evidence for God’s existence

Actually there isn’t; zero, zilch, nada. The problem here is Christians, or theists, often confuse belief with fact. The author makes this mistake, when his punchline for the answer to this question is that ‘God is eternal so he did not pop out of nowhere. He was before the beginning of time and still is and forever will’ that’s your belief; it does not make it fact. There are people right now who strongly believe they’re Napoleon Bonaparte, or Abraham Lincoln; all that earns them is a trip to an asylum.

In any other field of endeavour, cold, hard, refutable facts are the order of the day. Religion is the exception, because it runs on faith; but that does not give you the leeway to proclaim it as fact. When making a wild, difficult to gauge allegation, the burden of proof lies on you.

If God created the universe, who created God

It’s a simple argument, as far as I’m concerned. Theists remain adamant that someone must have created this universe, as it’s too vast, too complex, to have just sprung into being- therefore God must exist. That’s fine, but does the same argument not apply to God? If the universe cannot just spring into being, the same must apply to God.

The theist’s response, ‘God existence is not limited by time. He has always existed and will always exist. Hence, no one created him’ Going back to point one, this is a statement not backed by any evidence; and anyone who makes such a grandiose claim with so little proof as that which claims to establish God’s existence in any serious argument would be laughed out of the room.

Once again the simple bottom line is that when you subtract faith from the equation, every argument made for God’s existence crumbles like a pack of dominoes.

Believing in God is the same as believing in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the Flying Spaghetti Monster

This is where the author I believe starts to miss the essence of atheists’ argument, so I would attempt to clarify what atheists mean when they say these things.

This point is made to show that the fact that millions of people believe in something does not make it real. From childhood children are taught that the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and God are real. The only difference is that at a point they are told that the first three are fallacies, the last one is not touched.

Increasingly, people are examining their God belief and are moving away from it. Most Western nations are largely secular now, and maintain a semblance of religion because of its power as a rallying and exploitation tool. The first three have no such uses.

The point is only raised to show a lot of people believing in something does not make it true. People have died for believing in the wrong thing in their day; doesn’t mean it makes their belief true.

The God of the bible is Evil

Another case of the missed point. God allowing suffering and death is one argument, but the main argument when this point is raised is in relation to God’s capriciousness, bloodthirstiness, and general orchestration of wicked acts that do not befit any worship from man; as depicted in the holy book itself.

God let a bear kill some kids because they made fun of his prophet; he led his people to conquer ‘the promised land’, in battles that contained specific instructions on wiping the enemies from the face of the earth. He once destroyed a whole town (Sodom and Gomorrah), almost the entire planet (Noah’s story); countless other atrocities which I’ll be happy to list if called upon.

That’s the evil being pointed to, and why atheists say God as he’s portrayed is not worthy of anyone’s worship. I’m sure we’ll be given justifications for each of these acts, but the most reviled people in history (Hitler, Stalin, Khan etc) all had justifications for their actions; and they are hated for far less crimes than God committed in the Old Testament.

Christians are Gullible and feel obstinate to Allow Science To Change Their Perception/Evolution Is The Answer

Absolutely. Darwin’s evolution by natural selection has explained life as we know it in a way no other theory even comes close to. Studying the natural world has unearthed concrete proof of the validity of natural selection, and it’s a phenomenon that takes place all the time and is taking place relentlessly even at this very moment.

The truth about science is it encourages curiosity, and does not hesitate to accept how wrong it is when the next person comes and shows better proof for their theory. That’s how we have all these advancements that make our lives a million times more comfortable.

Religion encourages dogmatism, blind faith to the extent that if humans had adopted that approach in every other sphere of life, we’d be still be stuck in the Middle Ages doing hunter-gathering with our ape cousins.

Science might not have all the answers now, but there’s little doubt it’s a million times more equipped to find them than religion would ever be. Because to the Christian the universe is just a few thousand years old, comprehending time on the scale of nature is a little difficult for them.

If science has done all it has in the past 2,000 years, imagine what it would do in the next 2,000.


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1 thought on “A Rebuttal: ‘God Does Not Exist? You Must Be A Joker To Think So!’”

  1. You want to know who created God. Then who created the one who created God, then who created the one who created the one who created God. The more you think about it you might see there cannot have been a beginning the ultimate being. How can an ultimate being just appear out of nothingness.
    Yes in the old testament God had unleashed his wrath unto people but in the New testament this changed after Jesus died. By accepting Jesus we have eternal life through him. I have seen the power of God work in people, trust me He doesn’t want people dying and suffering. I’ve seen him make a woman pregnant after years when doctors told her it wasn’t possible. The thing is when you invite the Lord in and exercise strong faith your life changes. Don’t expect to live life anyhow and have God jump in when it feels convenient to have help, you have to invite him in.


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