
Kukurantumi Presby School- The School The Vice President’s Wife Presented Computers And Whose Headmistress She Insulted For Asking For Chalk- Has No Electricity To Power Their New Computers


So when this woman went to insult our hardworking teachers who do not have a quarter of the luxury her position affords her, she was doing nothing but engaging in cheap political theatrics.

You would remember Mrs Amissah-Arthur made headlines when during a function at a school, she responded snidely to a request for simple chalk from the headmistress of the school she was at.

That action has put her at the top of the news cycle for a while, which means at this point the NDC are probably biting their nails, wondering why they ever sent her there. Because the exposure brought by the issue has uncovered another problem; that she was even not really improving anyone’s life with the mission she was sent to do.

The second lady presented the school with five computers, which is probably why she thought they were being ungrateful in asking for chalk so soon after being done this favour. However, it turns out the school does not even have any electricity connection.

Which begs the question of why the second lady presented them with the computers in the first place? Was it just a PR gimmick, so after the ceremony the machines would just be put into a room to rot? Was she genuinely unaware of their predicament? If she did no research before the presentation, then what exactly is she doing? It seems to be political disingenuousness at its best.

In view of this information, it seems pretty straight forward why the headmistress was so interested in the chalk rather than the useless computers. A school that has never seen electricity would see no reason for computers. And when the basic necessities for teaching are not around, shouldn’t those be the top priority?

This revelation even makes the second lady’s conduct cross from borderline rude to plain insulting. She would ride in the convoy provided by the state and go around the country giving people stuff they don’t need, and then insult them when they ask for what they really need.

Seems to me like the apathy and callousness of this government is not reserved for just those with official power.

Citi FM carried out a little documentary on the issue, which you can watch below…


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2 thoughts on “Kukurantumi Presby School- The School The Vice President’s Wife Presented Computers And Whose Headmistress She Insulted For Asking For Chalk- Has No Electricity To Power Their New Computers”

  1. I will not have had a problem with it if it Lordina but this woman. Apuuuuuuu! You can’t even tell if it was corn dough or cassava dough she used to relax her hair.


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