
PYPER PEBBLES Asks: Why Do Men Continuously Make It Look Like S*x Is One PHD To Be Bagged; Maybe They Should Add The Thirsty A$$ Messages They Sent Before That Girl Said Yes Too!

43499bf90f62f7f694666aaaed696455_optAlright gentlemen, despite your repeated assurances that you’re not talking to your buddies about our bedroom antics behind our backs – we know that it’s happening and we know that it’s often in vivid, graphic detail.
Admittedly, I’m not generalising and not all men are guilty of this but more than once I’ve found myself caught in the middle of a conversation between a group of boys or men talking at length about their latest sexcapades.
Maybe it offers a sense of release and reassurance in a world which still gives these men and boys a sense of belonging or being wild in the sense of taking upon themselves to claim an illusive men or boys glory.
Or maybe it’s just a passion for gossip, from how many times he made you cum to the particular aesthetics of the woman’s body, to the exact swirly sound and gestures you did.
The amount of embarrassing detail some men seem to spill can be both mildly comical and slightly horrifying from a guy’s perspective.
That being said, most guys I have talked to really seem to be talking about girls, ladies or bitches they never want to see around them for even 5 minutes after the previous encounter on the sheets. Probably been privy to the no-holds-barred game of perverted, insulting, sexually-charged banter which most dudes consider casual conversation amongst themselves.
Naturally, many also assume or exhibit this same lack of moral discretion when it comes to talking about our personal sex lives with those closest to us.
This leaves many women wondering and maybe worrying what exactly are the sex-obsessed, dirty-joke telling, perverted-porn watching guys, saying about them to their best bro’s after getting laid by them.
The short answer is; usually, very little.
It may sound like a cop-out to avoid the real answer, but it’s true. A sort of unspoken “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy exists between most guys when it comes to discussing specifics of their current sexual conquests.
If they’re belligerently gloating about what they’d done during the moment with that area girl or class mate or church member or colleague at the office and their friends sisters, there are no almost bounds to the depravity of the discussion.
But, when it comes to specifically talking about the great sex they just had with their current girl friend is something most guys dread to do, unless the relationship turn sore. Most cases, we’re only willing to tell about as much as is necessary to let the other guys know that we did in fact get laid, and that it was awesome.
The rest of the details are generally kept pretty murky. Unless the lady in question is not worth protecting.
So why does this dynamic exist? There are a few fairly universal reasons.
First and foremost is a matter of respect. Believe it or not, the vast majority of men still maintain some semblance of respect for being able to undress a lady every guy is scheming to undress, especially the women who they see to be tough and don’t look at the area guys.
He will not keep your name as far away as possible from that perverted bro-banter. Telling his friends he got laid will be the first thing in his mind after leaving the room with you.
Divulging those embarrassing, intimate secrets you entrusted him with, to the group is flat out crossing the line but they do it anyway.
Second, among any group of guys, especially their closest friends, whether it comes to sports, video games, or cards playing the competition never ends.
Turning everything into a game is the modern way of reasserting their dominance within the group, without actually having to fight each other with spears. If they’re sleeping with a girl, they most likely put in some sort of active, strategic effort to pursue her, court her and get her in bed; so that is the game.
The key difference in this game is, rather than playing against their friends, they’re rooting for them; in this context, if their friends are the home team, the girl and her own friends are the rivals, and sex is the prize they ultimately win.
Like any big victory, it’s a source of pride for them. After a guy put in all of that effort to win a lady over, he is obviously not going to want to downplay his accomplishment by talking smack on the lady to his friends after the fact.
As far as his guy friends are concerned, you’re sexier than any girl they’ve ever been with, you gave him the night of his life, and he gave you the best night of yours.
He is also not going to want to share you with any of them, even if just by letting them build some sort of mental picture of what you look like naked.
In the end, respect amongst the group is earned just for the fact that he won the game, and had sex at all course. Like football, most of them are probably much more interested in hearing about the game-winning pass than getting all of the juicy details about the after party in the locker room.
Lastly, as I’m sure you’re already well aware, when it comes to talking about emotional, intimate and embarrassing subjects, most guys are likely to be drunk monkeys trying to put together a furniture. And sex is most definitely a topic that will rain supreme.
So I think for many of men or boys, hearing their best bro’s talk about their bedroom details wild them out to some degree. Alcohol intake is way too close to breaching that hetero-masculine barrier they tend to build between themselves.
So to summarize, in most ladies experience, it follows a pretty simple formula: the more a man is sober, the more he is mute about the sexcapades with the girl or lady he is into, because he respect her so the less details he is going to share with his guy friends about what goes on in the bedroom with her.
And for the serial one night standers, don’t worry, even if they don’t like you all that much, they’re still probably not going to say too much anyway.
Sure there are exceptions, but unless you squirted like Old Faithful onto the ceiling, have a surprise clit ring, or did something else particularly notable, 99% of post sex conversation between guys is some variation of the following:
“So did you f** that chick last night?” “Yep *smirk” “Hell yea man, she’s so hot!.
It is a pretty common trope that guys kiss and tell, divulging their sexual exploits and you don’t want to sleep with a jerk because he’ll go around telling all his friends, right?
Guys sometimes talk about women they have laid with their circle of friends, when it seem so obvious two of the friends are hooking up with the same girl or lady.
And they don’t plan to take you serious— guys like to remind each other that they are sexually active so sometimes they will just literally talk to each other about the fact that they have indeed, recently bang a woman.
Some guys too are naturally gossips and such an okro mouth,just like most of them have okro dicks.
I have always maintained the stance that sex is for grown ups so if you are going to bang someone just to sit with your bunch of “idiotic” friends to discuss it, then you better add those thirsty ass messages you sent to that girl before she agreed to have you bang her.
And oh, do well to add those nude pics you sent too. Sex is just sex, it is no degree nor PHD and it is very cheap so y’all men should just stop this nonsense.


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