Chris-Vincent’s Mind

Acrimony: Everyone Got What They Deserved Apart From the Abysmal Ending


My friend talked me into giving my new books a break this Saturday to watch what’s become a black trending movie, almost ubiquitous on social media—Acrimony.
And I found it nothing cruel or a waste of anyone’s time: everyone got what they deserved (I don’t mean the abysmal ending) and the faithful, Taraji P. Henson, even got more than she deserved (once again, I don’t mean the abysmal ending).
How is what happened interpreted as a betrayal? The timing of Lyriq Bent’s success was not in his hands—it came when the woman that had stood by him all these years, unfortunately, had given up and filed for divorce as a result of influences and cynicism from her own family and her thoughts.
A lot of men, including myself with dreams, take a long time to get to it. Of course, Lyriq Bent was somewhat a piss taker, but he was focused, appreciative and even faithful. A lot of us are/were immoral.
Taraji P. Henson’s scepticism caused her and even that, he went back to give her some of the money—because he was appreciative of her investment in his success and her love for him.
But he would have been a chowderhead to take her back—because, she didn’t want him a while ago and now that the long-awaited success has arrived, she wants him. That is not love–but disguised opportunism or false sense of entitlement.
And the other woman was just lucky which a lot of women are or will be in life.
It took me about 10 years to complete college, undergraduate and two masters’ degrees. During this period, I was with some women—one for about 5 years. I recognize their input and investment in what I’ve become today but if things didn’t work with us and someone else was lucky to meet me when it’s all better, how is it her fault or mine?
If Lyriq Bent was cheating despite her wife’s unflinching support and unfettered love, then a betrayal as a theme, was justifiable. He was a slacker which sometimes most ambitious men are but eventually, they always get to their destinations.
Some women ought to learn not to give up when the race is almost about to end—more also, not to listen to anyone when in a damn relationship. A lot of people are not happy and they will give you reasons to walk away from your own investment when it’s about to yield BIG.
If I ever hit some big cash, I have some Exs I will wire some to (and wife even knows that)—for they contributed to my success. That’s all it is and if I said I will take them around the world when things get better during our times together and they are not around when things get better, the person available gets that world travel—SIMPLES.
A relationship is a high-risk bet for the gamblers with brave hearts. Some pull out of a gamble at the last minute and lose big time. Some do, and they win. Whatever happens, as long as you made the decision, you have to accept the consequence.
For me, Julius Ceasar’s take on death is an approach we should all adopt in a relationship: “Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant never taste of death but once.” Don’t be fearful as long as you are in it, walk through it, to the end.


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