
OPENED GOSSIP: TV Presenter at Day, ‘Pay to Bang’ at Night | the Untold Story of a Rising Ghanaian TV Presenter



Not very much of a shock to us—but unexpected, GhanaCelebrities.Com has been told about the double lifestyle of one of our fast rising Ghanaian TV presenters…

With a pretty face and a great deal of confidence, this TV presenter is slowly winning the hearts of many Ghanaians but it seems, her night life will soon crash her career.

From what we’ve been told, this young presenter is charging high amount of money from those willing to pay and keep the experience secret for a ‘Pay as you go’ banging session with her. And to cover her tracks, she is very much conscious with her selection of clients, avoiding industry persons and giving more attention to expatriates—preferably the ‘white’.

Though the said TV presenter is not necessarily living over the top as many will call ‘living beyond her means’, our source says she is considering accumulating some cash to start her own TV show and that sounds like the driving force behind her night lifestyle.

“With several Instagram photos showing all that she has to offer, what people do not know is that she sends her page to prospective clients to see for themselves what she has to offer” our source who decided to open up to us following our recent publication about the unending indecency on the social media platform said.

“The thing is, she knows the more men she sleeps with, the more money she can make but then that also means her double life will soon be revealed” our source added.

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OPENED GOSSIP: Which Ghanaian Female Bisexual Musician Is CHOPPING DOWN The Wife Of A Ghanaian Football Star?



A certain Ghanaian female musician who is said to be a bi-sexual is seriously CHOPPING DOWN the wife of a Ghanaian footballer, GhanaCelebrities.Com has learned.

Like most female Ghanaian musician, the said musician is struggling to knock that hit song which will bring in the much needed cash and attention. But when it comes to the use of her tongue, she must be hitting it really good—if not, what else would push a married woman to open her legs for her?

We are told the footballer husband confronted the wife  recently over her affairs with the musician, but the wife denied the fact they are chopping each other down, stating that, they are just good friends.

From what we are told, this female musician claims to have had enough of men, and she is said to have enjoyed lesbian relationships in the past with a certain top Ghanaian club owner and a certain talented female musician.

Though this sounds a bit over the top, we are told the mother of one (the female musician) had secretly dated this same Ghanaian footballer whose wife she is now chopping down. The footballer in question played in the 2010 Ghana’s World Cup match against USA, which Ghana won by 2–1 in extra time.

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OPENED GOSSIP: A Ghanaian Footballer Has 4 Children Outside His Marriage & Wife Doesn’t Know What The HECK To Do!



At a time most Ghanaians are pointing fingers at the women for being unfaithful and ungrateful following the recent Odartey Lamptey’s case, it has emerged that a certain Ghanaian footballer who used to play in England allegedly has 4 children with different women outside his marriage.

And his wife who has 3 kids with him does not know what the heck to do—as a result of the kids and the fact that she fully depends on the footballer.

GhanaCelebrities.Com is told that, not long ago when the footballer’s career in England came to an end, his wife tried to stay over in the United Kingdom but the Home Office failed to grant her a visa—-stating that, she was here as a dependant of her husband and therefore if her husband was no more working in the country, there was no grounds for her stay application.

After her unsuccessful attempt to remain in the UK, the wife of this footballer (R) moved to Ghana only to find out that, her husband has been MORE than naughty all the time he has been visiting and staying longer than expected in Ghana.

As at now, the wife of the Ghanaian defender is confused as to what to do. Leaving is not an option as she pretty much depends on the husband for everything including her ‘panties’, a source told GhanaCelebrities.Com.

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OPENED GOSSIP: Ghanaian Movie Star Arrested In London For Shoplifting?

Last week, a female Ghanaian movie star was nicked in London for shoplifting, a reliable source tells GhanaCelebrities.Com. The movie star who recent had a baby in London following months of controversy in the media is said to have stolen a bracelet, GhanaCelebrities.Com has learned. After her arrest, we are told she gave the address … Read more

OPENED GOSSIP: Guess Which Ghanaian Celebrity Is 6 Months Pregnant For A Married Doctor At Korle Bu

A certain Ghanaian movie star with the word ‘B’ starting her surname is currently in the UK, pregnant for a married doctor who works at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra. The 6 month pregnant celebrity is keen on keeping the pregnancy a secret as she does not want to invite the wrath of … Read more

Opened Gossip: Which Female Ghanaian Celebrity Was Deported From London For Shop Lifting, Currently Sleeping With A Married Footballer That An Actress Was Also Sleeping With?

  I am going to leave out certain names to protect my most reliable source. However, I will make this clear to the extent that, you will only have to think a little to be able to fetch out those involved in this yourself.  This is why it is called Opened Gossip…I give you the … Read more