
FASHION: The Pull Down Dresses & The Dresses That We Have Squeeze To Fit In, Are They Really Worth Wearing?



Yes, as people we all want to dress to look good, so that when we step outside, others may look at us and be blown away by our sense of fashion. But is dressing to look good to draw attention the same as dressing inappropriately to draw attention?

My answer to that is “NO”. I can understand the fact that most people like to keep up with fashion, and as such they tend to wear anything new that comes on the market. What is the point of wearing a dress, and having to pull it down at every step that you take?  Or wearing a dress that doesn’t fit where it seems like your body parts are all falling out of the dress?

I have seen some ladies wear short dresses that are made of spandex which they have to pull down every step they take.

There is difference between a fitting dress and a tight dress. The fitting dress is when a dress fits perfectly and beautifully exposes your curvy body that is if you have any.  A tight dress is when you don’t fit in a dress, but you force yourself into fitting in it. Here, every sing part of your body is about to EXPLODE!   To me, that is torture! 

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FASHION: The Pull Down Dresses & The Dresses That We Have Squeeze To Fit In, Are They Really Worth Wearing?

Yes, as people we all want to dress to look good, so that when we step outside, others may look at us and be blown away by our sense of fashion. But is dressing to look good to draw attention the same as dressing inappropriately to draw attention?
My answer to that is “NO”. I can understand the fact that most people like to keep up with fashion, and as such they tend to wear anything new that comes on the market. What is the point of wearing a dress, and having to pull it down at every step that you take?  Or wearing a dress that doesn’t fit where it seems like your body parts are all falling out of the dress?
I have seen some ladies wear short dresses that are made of spandex which they have to pull down every step they take.
There is difference between a fitting dress and a tight dress. The fitting dress is when a dress fits perfectly and beautifully exposes your curvy body that is if you have any.  A tight dress is when you don’t fit in a dress, but you force yourself into fitting in it. Here, every sing part of your body is about to EXPLODE!   To me, that is torture! 

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