I write to welcome the news of the disqualification of reggae artiste Black Rasta; of course this news was long over due.
Black Rasta, who is also a radio presenter on an Accra FM station, has no right to insult the Ghana Music Awards Organisation, and Charterhouse, the organizers of the awards just because of his song ‘Barack Obama’ was not nominated in the ‘Most Popular Song of the Year’ category, so far as am concerned Black Rasta does not merit to be nominated in any category in the first place not to talk of the Most Popular Song of the Year. He was even lucky to have been considered by the Planning Committee in the ‘Reggae Song of the Year’ category.
Black Rasta is one of the few radio presenters I detest and it is not only the Planning Committee of the Ghana Music Awards that has suffered in the hands of Black Rasta, notable individuals like the ministers, pastors, musicians, and even the president of Ghana have all one way or the way suffered the unfortunate verbal attacks from Black Rasta and its high time we shoot him down.
This is a man who thinks he is a saint. I think the Planning Committee erred in nominating him for an award but It was indeed very regrettable for Black Rasta to question the professional capabilities and integrity of the committee members, and consequently calling them names, I think he should be condemn and force to apologize to the committee members, or dance to the music at the law court.
He is not even shy and ashamed of himself to advice callers to his programme to use the herbs, it amazes me that Black Rasta gets enough time to be on air and shows his tomfoolery, preach the use of drugs, when we all know the devastating effects of marijuana and why one must not play around it.
He attacked the likes of Daddy Lumbas, Kwabena Kwabenas, A Plus’, KK Fosus and etcetera because they decided to do song for Nana Akufo Addo, One pathetic thing about this chap is that he has chosen to do song for Barrack Obama, a man he will never see until he (Black Rasta) dies. Obama does not even know of the name Black Rasta.
Music is a full time business and a lucrative venture but I do not think Black Rasta in the same level as those artistes mentioned above, apart the radio station he works, which other radio station after the US elections ever played his Barrack Obama song?
Terrible, he was not even considered or invited to the Obama’s inauguration but later came out with a frivolous excuse that he was scheduled to perform in Kenya, Obama’s birth place.
No wonder chaps in the slum will only listen to his songs. Ghana Music Awards, which comes off this Saturday April 4 at the Accra International Conference Centre will go on with or without Black Rasta.
Regular users of the www.Ghanacelebrities.com site welcomes his disqualification and hopes he is disqualify or banned for subsequent awards till further notice to just serve as a deterrent to others.
By: Ebenezer Anangfio Jnr./Ghanacelebrities.com
You are very, very, very right. i really hate this Blakk Rasta guy like shit. Weather he is included or excluded, the music awards still goes on. If he is in, it doesn’t increase and if he is out too is doesn’t decrease. Hopeless, foolish man. Is he even a ghanaian?
Black Rasta’s show is a good one. Sometimes the insults are uncalled for BUT many times the sleazy politicians he attacks deserve it.
charle’ leave Blakk Rasta alone, u always like it when u er not doing the right thing and no one talks abt that…………… Do the right thing and stop killing the innocent ones who tries to tell the truth k..??
siasem ara kwa…!!!!