Okyeame Kwame Shouts Out GhanaCelebrities.Com
04/12/2010 9:08 pm
by Chris-Vincent Agyapong, Founding EditorPOPULAR POSTS
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can someone tell me what he said
he’s indeed the rap doctor. BRA [Best Rapper Alive] Kwame. i sometimes wonder why Obarafor challenge him. Obrafour is a fake and should look for his size. Kasiebo is notin but dissing. i’ll hand him over to A Plus. “Obedi n’asem ama no” “rasta a owoo ntaafoo a wanye” what a pity. shout out to all Oseikrom Musicians especially the Lynxxxx entertainment crew. luv you all. easy babe, u knoe de name right.
@ den we all have our short comings so stop hitting at OB4 …if you have guts why don’t you got to the studioa nd single out a track against him mahn….beef up n stop being numb yh…no hatin mahn bt we can all share ideas yh