
Big Brother Amplified: Do You Really Want Confidence Haugen To Be Evicted Back Home?

Confidence Haugen Shows Boobs On Big Brother Africa
Confidence Haugen Shows Boobs On Big Brother Africa

Confidence Haugen’s nomination for eviction in the on-going Big Brother Africa Season 6 ‘Amplified’ was not a big shock to many people who are of the opinion that, the CEO of Aphrodisiac Night Club is becoming over bossy in the House.

For some few days now, the blogs have been buzzing with her eviction nomination story alongside a video & photo of  her recent exposure of her extra extra large boobs.  From what I have been reading so far,  it seems most Ghanaians are asking for her kick out of the show.

Some are of the opinion that, she is even too old to be in the house anyway. Others are calling her a ‘slut’ for showing her goodies in the House and for ‘whatever’ they know about her.

Ghana has two reps in the House which means if Confidence Haugen is kicked out, Alex Biney becomes our last hope. Alex’s game is not that tight compared to that of Confi …

Where do you stand with this whole Confidence’s eviction thing? Do you think she is a mess in the House and should be evicted to saved the image of Ghana?

Confidence Haugen
Confidence Haugen


Confidence Haugen
Confidence Haugen
Confidence Haugen
Confidence Haugen
Confidence Haugen
Confidence Haugen
Confidence Haugen
Confidence Haugen

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70 thoughts on “Big Brother Amplified: Do You Really Want Confidence Haugen To Be Evicted Back Home?”

    • hmmmm your talking as she is the worst person on earth because of her passed or because she showed her boobs or what dude we all human we all make mistakes and i am sure way before she went she spoke to her husband about what would happened and if she was allow to go and it happened is it your concern than stop judging the girl and let her be i normal agree with you but not this time its part of the show says in terms and condition as well 

      • miyagi you make a fair point for once unlike ur grammar and spelling which is utterly dreadful. Spellcheck was invented for the likes of you. Use it!

        • mackie5667 GO AND FUCK YOURSELF your waist of time comment or shut the fuck up im here to drop not to learn feel me yet nothing wise comes out of your mouth kwasia panin

        • @mackie,u right on Miyagi on this article for not exposing his dumbest behavior on this.I guess,it would be better if he go back to school to polish his grammatical errors and also learn how to construct a simple sentences,as well as punctuation marks .I think Miyagi can be voted as the Dumbest person on this platform .

          • @osei, it’s funi how u jumped on dis comment pointin out Miyagis errors…did u also read your comment? does it make sense????? ur comment is full of errors yet u have the audacity to diss someone….are grammatical errors polished?? do we construct a simple sentences??? as stupis as u are,i guess u knw dat u’re not the brightest person here, don’t u?u need school more than Miyagi does……stick ur big mouth up ur stinkin gay ass and shut the hell up…

        • @miyagi,yourself shouldn’t be separated as u did.People don’t hate u,but rather want u to know ur weak points on your horrible grammatical mistakes u have been parading on this platform.i don’t think u do read ur statements before u submit, if u does,then am sorry to say u are the Dumbest person on this planet.
          The truth hurt but ppl like U needs to know to avoid disgracing your parents .Anyway,how old are u?since I don’t see the different between u and my 6yr old younger brother.

    • wow and it seems like youre jealous, cause she has a succesfull buisness and you not. and one more thing the phrase “disgrace to womanhood is becoming a bit old” cause you are also a disgrace to manhood for being a judgemental broke ass bloke who is intimadeted by a womans wealth, attention and succes.

        • @claude well I can tell but all I am saying is for the ones judging her talking negative all the time we all have done something bad some people go behind their screen judging this girl but when the insult start flying their start crying like wimps by the way Claude her passed is the passed stick to this topic Edem has nothing to do with Big Brother just let her stay without her BB. Will be wack I don’t see those others spicing up the program she got my vote

  1. I totally agree with you this is part of the show and she should keep it up … it make it very interesting… all the same i love the boobs .. it sexy !!

  2. She pretends not to care about it because she’s always showing off how much money she has at home for example when she ws bragging about how she feeds her dogs chicken… if she keeps on insisting that she doesnt care or doesn’t need what the show has to offer than she should get evicted.

  3. I’m not Ghanian but I love this chick! 
    She’s entertaining which is the whole idea of BB.
    I wasn’t too impressed with her letting her tits all hang out, but hey..if she’s happy doing that. More kudos to her
    I hope she’s not evicted. She’s 37, with a kid, and doing just what she pleases.
    She brings drama to the house, and Alex right now ain’t cutting it.
    As for the naija girls in the house, I’m Nigerian and I’m not crazy about either of them. Karen (the other silicone boobed one) is another crazy one with drama, as for Vina i don’t even know about her…she’s kinda boring from the clips I’ve seen. 
    Is she up for eviction as well?

  4. If other countries’ reps bx the same way as Confidence would you guys say the same thing? There is a way to play the game w/o coming off like shit.

  5. @Joseph Oh yes i’m a christian and really believes in God.. But here lies the it a show and your performance keeps you going so pls count the bible out and let face reality.

  6. @mackie,u right on Miyagi on this article for not exposing his dumbest behavior on this.I guess,it would be better if he go back to school to polish his grammatical errors and also learn how to construct a simple sentences,as well as punctuation marks .I thinkMiyagi can be voted as the Dumbest person on this platform .

    Osei, dude stop kissing peoples ass okay your a Fool , cant you fight your own arguments dude you sounds worst than a bitch w’ano pakyaa sɛ ebin a y’atie mu think each time you come here reply to my commemts your actually saying something good stop fooling yourself Osei aka kojo besia w’enim koo se beifo a w’a to mogya mu aboa 

    • Is none of your damn business! So far as he writes and you understand what he typed there is no point in using punctuation marks SMART ONE. At least, he writes better English than you do. He doesnt “typ lik dis” SMH at you

  7. Bitch shud come home or she loose customers. Wat do u expect frm a woman hu loves her dog more dan her little kid……

    • What the heck is wrong with you smarty pants?? you got problems with Miyagi now you got problems with confidence too. You need to go get a life cause i can see you are lacking one. I know she’s not a smarty pants like you to like her dog more than her own child. Have respect for yourself and you will gain some for others too. You need help both physically and mentally. 

  8. I wish she would stay,she makes the show interesting with her take on stuff,her drama and her lil anger burst outs.I don’t agree with the boob showing but her ultimately they are hers and if she is ok with it,who am i to judge?
    She has got a good game!!! please vote for her to stay and please  let’s stop judging

  9. U r welcome miyagi,dont mind those dumb ppls.Confy really hv de swag nd she’s spicying up bba house so pls. do support her to make gh proud.MWAAAH CONFY.

  10. this woman is full of confident and full of life and also all she thinks it living a life like she has forgoting every thing abt the coming of the owner of all things. that she know that all this her ugly life style will come to pass. infact everything will come to pass except the word of God. this life does not belong to as.

  11. @miyagi; bad english can be improved miyagi, so you better improve yours or stop embarassing yourself over here. lmao

  12. think confidence should stay, cos she is trying to be herself, and dats de rule of de game, and also entertaining, she need not to pls any one, dats her character, go confidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. What is blackminded about what i said Mr. Kwame Nhyira? She is a woman lady who knows right from wrong,before she got into the show,she knew what she was getting into……There is nothing wrong with me saying i love the way she performs on the show and would love to see her win the show…..That i believe is goodwill Mr. Nhyira………..All i am saying is we should all stop judging her and that is exactly what you are doing???

  14. confi is great person dispite her behaviour and her past she would definately have my vote …if only i could vote i would have vote for her to stay ….

  15. all i ca say is that confidence is beautiful and lucky with those endowed feature is it was not over bloated,but i believe that she has her life to live and right to do whatever that seem right for her.well if she is married,i believe her husband must be disapointed with her and she should know that she is at the mercy of her fellow counrtymen and women.Goodluck to her

  16. Yes i want CONFIDENCE to come back home and come join AYIGBE EDEM..because ain’t performing good for GH…her grammar isn’t good as well. so its far better she returns to GH..shame on you confi slut.


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