
Are We DEAD Yet? The Doomsday Malarchy…Has The World Ended Where You?

Mexico Mayan Calendar 2012

I woke up today expecting to be in paradise. In fact, I was expecting to be woken by harps, melodious voices of angels and the aroma of a divine breakfast feast!

Instead I had to over sleep and be woken by the irritating noise from my neighbors ‘ghetto blaster’

Suffice to say, I woke up pissed. So I called a few friends but I couldn’t get through the network to any…then I started to panic! Did they go to heaven and leave me behind?

Better not!

Why was my neighborhood so busy though? Did the world end and we went right on without noticing anything had happened? ARE WE DEAD YET?? Where is the proposed Armageddon of December 21st?

I shuddered at the thought of not being able to merely discern if the world had ended or not. But who could blame me after all the brouhaha about the world ending…

Authoritative men of God came out to seriously warn us all and proceeded to intelligently explain why the world was to end today.  Some even quoted the bible as reference.

Anytime such things come up, I get confused: are we all reading the same Bible? The same Bible that says even Christ doesn’t know?

I remember the millennium bug in 2000 and planetary alignment doomsday predictions, the approaching of asteroids to crush us all, the beginning of the rapture, the most recent Mayan calendar scare and many more theories that have been drummed into our ears over the years.

People clinging to special dates and insisting on their relevance to the end of the world somehow.  Millions of people the world over have prepared for the end of the world over and over just because somebody asked them to!

How many hoaxes will we be forced to endure till our faith is shaken and our belief in the rapture eroded to it’s barest minimum? It is beginning to sound like the boy who cried wolf. We are losing grasp of reality.

Are we indeed still here? No black holes, no zombies, just us? Or has the world ended where you are or do you have your own special prediction of when Armageddon is coming upon us? Let us know!


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4 thoughts on “Are We DEAD Yet? The Doomsday Malarchy…Has The World Ended Where You?”

  1. at work today this white lady was like she wish she was dead before today….. all paranoid n ish….supposedly the world ending today…THEY ALL TRIPPING

  2. Hmmmmm seriously I was sooo scared… I stood awake all night prayin it shouldn’t be so… Even though I knw it written in de bible that n one knws the second comin of christ… HMmmm I was scared that even though the world won’t come to an end, there might be a serious earthquake plus this cold?? Hmmm I have had enaf earthquake this year at my place.. N it was quiet serious n that made de separation from my family n I.. Don wanna die now ooo… I av got much to achieve…

  3. Hahahahahahaa..for a moment I thought the world was really coming to an end. I was very confused and frightened, but then i took comfort in my Bible which boldly says that; But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Thank God we are all still alive!! God is good. 


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