
Will You Do Everything A Pastor/Prophet Tells You To Do? We Disappoint God Greatly By Refusing To Use The Brain He’s Given Us!

pastorIn recent times when you talk about a Man of God, you’re quickly inscribed with 666 marks. It’s either you’re the devils incarnate or you have touched the anointed. As I always say, a Man of God is first of all a man before he is of God; therefore he is not God to be worshiped. Some misuse the Holy Spirit anyhow to deceive people into believing their prophecy, and even sleep with women with the excuse that the Holy Spirit instructed them to do so.

I have heard of instances where a pastor has told church members to head to a particular Wholesale poster frames and grab the biggest they can find to put his photo in there, and then place it in their houses as if he is God himself.

Every now and then, you’ll read an article about this pastor or that pastor. A man killed his 4-month old baby, drained his blood and buried him, why? Because he told his Pastor he was facing financial difficulties and the pastor told him to carry out this wicked act and he obliged (Nigeria). This Pastor clearly is an occult pastor; you don’t need to be a brainy person to know that.

A pastor sodomises a 14 year old boy in Kenya. The poor boy’s uncle quickly causes the arrest of the pastor, but unfortunately, his parents don’t want to cooperate with the police because the accused in question is a Man of God. They betrayed their son for the mere fact that a pastor is not to be touched. Don’t they need deliverance?

A woman was arraigned before court for abandoning her baby. Her defence was she took that action because her pastor said the baby is/was a snake (Ghana). If you as a mother carried a human being during pregnancy, why accept what a pastor tells you? It is not every pastor who has been called, some called themselves.

Every pastor is now a prophet. They don’t have the individual gifts anymore; they possess all the gifts especially prophecy. Some pastors, who are in for business, often evaluate what sells, and then they put more ‘effort’ in that area…….prophecy. We love prophecies so much especially women, we love to attend churches were prophesy flows, we don’t step foot in churches that teaches and aid our growth in every area of our life.

Quoting a Man of God: “The thing that you must always look out for when you see all these prophets prophesying is to ask yourself does [the Prophet] have honour, credibility, character and integrity? Where did he come from? Who trained him? How long has he been on the scene? Who laid hands on him? Whose product is he? At whose feet did he study? Who groomed him? Who covered him? Who was his teacher? Who taught him? You must be honorable first to qualify to make whatever you say that comes to pass legitimate…it is not just about prophesying.” 

I even think we disappoint God greatly by refusing to use the brain He’s given us to reason with. If the direction being given sounds absurd or doesn’t sound Godly enough, just walk away. Better still go on your knees and pray for the spirit of discernment. Armed robbers who are clearly going against the commandment even pray not to be caught.


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1 thought on “Will You Do Everything A Pastor/Prophet Tells You To Do? We Disappoint God Greatly By Refusing To Use The Brain He’s Given Us!”

  1. When Jesus was greatly sinned against the mockery of a trial, betrayal, beatings, being spit upon, scourging, public shame, and torture on a cross until death, the only thing that came out of him was goodness “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Same thing with these so called Man of Gods I don’t think they know what they are doing. Just like what the writer write id a Man of God can tell you to kill your child because he/she is a Snake than you really need to be careful now days, there are too many wolfs in sheep’s clothing. A man of God is a early person who would be a shepherd over a flock of sheep, he would take care of them, feed them, give them water, if a pastor lost a sheep he would go out and search for it and wouldn’t rest till he found it and brought it back home. A Man of God also protects his sheep from wolves and anything that would try to attack them out at night. This defines what a pastor is supposed to be in regards to the bible if he can’t live up to these words don’t bother with him. But it seems like some pastors just do the opposite of it


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