
Chatting To Married Women: They Complain Too Much And Are Highly Inflammable!


If you’re really ready to settle down, avoid chatting to married women – if not some, most of them. Married women I know are highly inflammable.  It’s either they paint a portrait full of horrors, blab on about abstract things or tell you how living in heaven feels like (while living on earth). The last group being the fantasists and the first group being the ones to put you off marriage if you’ve always being a doubting Thomas about marriage and married life.

Funny enough, the brain tends to hold rather bad information tactfully than good ones. Ask some married women ‘how they are’ (where you’ve not even asked about the husband or children) and you’ve given them the licence to complain for the next one hour. It seems that question causes some married women so much distress or waiting for someone to ignite with their flame.

Some funny and weird lines I mostly hear when I ask why the distress:

–          “If sex toys could only make babies, who needs a man let alone a husband” (and they have kids)

–          “I married because of society and family pressures otherwise I never thought of marrying” (mind you, this particular person was running to every singles summit in town and was literally crying for a husband at church).

–          “He married me because he wanted a caretaker and not one to build a family with” (and the man is the sole provider of the house)

–          “I’m bored already…. “(In less than a year?)

–          “Well, he wasn’t like this when we were dating! He only started this after we were married” (Common on, there’s no such thing as an overnight transformation. If you’d been paying attention when you were dating, you’ll notice one or two things you cannot live without)

Not every married lady will give you ‘the house of horrors’ story, there are the ones who keep mute and love to play happy families. But what I usually deduce from these ‘married’ ones is that, they find it very fashionable to complain to make themselves happy.

At the end of the whining, you’d think they were all kidnap victims, who were going on their merry way one day when an unscrupulous drunk grabbed them, stuffed them in a burlap bag, and dragged them off to the altar and they happily said yes! The reality, of course, is that it takes two to tie the knot.

The annoying part of the whole issue is after talking (complaining) for 45 minutes about how they’re about to die or be buried in their marriage, they ask when you’ll be getting married or when they’re receiving an invitation to your wedding.

If you say you don’t intend to settle down, then they quote their favourite: ‘The bible says it is not good for a woman/man to be alone’. If you say you’re not ready to settle, they’ll ask what you are waiting for because there is so much blessing in marriage.

After killing my appetite….Hello? At this stage, you’ll understand why human beings are too complex!


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