Love & Relationship

Are the Bad Girls REALLY Winning? I Don’t Think So…

black woman


What I’ve realized lately is that many women have bought into the idea (and really believe) that it’s the bad girls finishing first and the good girls finishing last and I don’t know how and where they gathered their data from but one thing is very clear- a good number of women are using that phrase to note why they’re single and some go as far as doing what is ‘unlike’ them to fit into the bill of a ‘bad girl’.

Negative experiences from our past can influence us for the worst and we sometimes use those experiences to “justify” our current status. They refuse to better themselves by learning from their mistakes and life lessons. If in previous relationships they were the ‘cool/classy/reserved’ ones, they turn to ‘naggers and hood thugs’.

Bad girls do win definitely – but in the short run. If you consider receiving primarily sexual attention from men and very little of anything else of substance ‘winning’ and something to envy, then you have a much deeper issue that needs to be addressed. For some (serious minded people), meaningful relationships (like life) are not for the swift.

‘Bad things’ are reserved for some places and moments – to spice things up in relationships so I think it’s better to keep our good values and virtues (intact) and bring out the ‘bad things’ in the privacy of our rooms and not the other way round. Sometimes, by the time a person gets round to knowing your good values, your ‘contract’ has ended.

And for my brothers – nice boys don’t finish last, it’s the boring ones that do. Which lady does not like nice guys really? It’s the constant self-ranting and self-proclamation that you’re a ‘good-catch’ (with nothing good to catch about you) that makes you boring. Too much talk lead to many lies. Allowing your deed to ‘talk’ is the way to go. ‘Me…I am’ is for the boring.

If you’re not getting the results you’d like then you’ve got to switch something up, change strategies and maybe do away with the narcissistic behaviour. Always complaining that only nice guys finish last won’t help your ‘dilemma’ – it’s just an excuse for not doing something right…

I believe what we put out is what we receive – if we put out a bold sign on our foreheads that we’re as shallow as half the word itself; shallow people will be bold to approach us and ‘deep’ people will feel out of place when they approach us because either they’re underqualified or overqualified!

I keep saying it’s not every woman who loves ‘stupid’ guys and it’s not every man who loves a ‘bad girl’. Don’t follow the crowd and turn yourself into something else. The crowd do not always get it right but just in case you buy into the idea that it’s only the bad girls who are marrying these days, don’t copy because it’s very hard to copy an original and get it right! Run your own race, not what everyone is running – someone will definitely cross your path in your original skin.

Everything is not for everyone!


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2 thoughts on “Are the Bad Girls REALLY Winning? I Don’t Think So…”

  1. Ladies scream it’s the bad girls who are getting married because they think they are better than those getting married (actually that is where they get their data from), some also follow what other ruffian guys are saying to get what they want from them. When a guy says it’s the bad girls clinching the men, one thing is for sure…he is looking for a bed mate. A man will not like to spend eternity with a bad girl – what is the essence of marrying her then? to buy heart attack? The bad ones is for the bedroom and the showing off to friends, the good one is for the wedding band – not fianceeing for years on end….

  2. Lol….true but not always…..those that end up with “bad girls” eventually get to know about the real personality….besides the great sex. …and then the guys gets stuck …no where to run to…..looooool. …..


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