
Are You On Instagram? No I Have REAL Friends


The value of friendship and holding conversations with those you call friends has dropped among Africans—the Europeans and Americans lost this many years ago as a result of their non-existing sense of community-ship.

I recently attended a baby christening and almost all the new people I met kept asking; Are you on Facebook, Are you on Instagram or Are you on twitter—and I kept saying, No, I have REAL friends. They found my answer weird but their questions acceptable when in fact it should have been the other way round.

Gradually, we are losing our sense of togetherness as people—no one cares about having real friends anymore, after all, he or she has over 17,000 virtual friends.

It wouldn’t be that sad if we understood that the virtual world is what it is, full of lies and people we cannot truly call friends and that, there is every need to have offline friends—I call them real friends.

Interestingly, majority of us spend the greater and best part of our lives online, updating status messages and begging for likes. I have a cousin who literally begs all her friends to love any photo she uploads on Instagram—the more LIKES she gets, the better she probably feels about herself.

And I also know a person who has to LIKE her own facebook status updates—and asks the others to do so, simply because this makes her feel somewhat excited. Pathetic…right?

People argue and fight over twitter followers and deem it as a bragging right to have more followers or receive more photo likes—and this has become the essence of friendship.

How can you call over 17,000 people that you will probably never hear the voice or have any face-to-face conversation with in life FRIENDS—I mean to the extent that, they steal the best part of your life and you do not even have any real friends…

The virtual world is interesting, full of different characters but we should not relegate the beauty of the offline world, the benefits of having real friends and real conversations with people without having to continue it or start it online.

Most of the people I met at the christening were nice and normal, but they had no understanding of friendship—and probably what it takes to have a real friend. Why not hold a conversation with someone who is standing in front of you or ask for a phone number to talk to the person and start a proper friendship? Rather, everyone wanted my Instagram and twitter handle, as if we are machines.

To be frank, most human beings have become semi-robots who cannot disconnect from their electronic gadgets and interact with other real human beings in a human manner.

It may feel great to have a friend in Mumbai, but the real friend is the one who connects to you offline and engages in real activities with you.

Anytime someone asks you; are you on Instagram, facebook or twitter, just say, no I have real friends—and just watch the person’s facial expression.

We’ve almost lost it as people—to the machines and soon, they will take over!


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17 thoughts on “Are You On Instagram? No I Have REAL Friends”

  1. I am glad I do not have instagram or facebook or twitter. These things are nonsense and waste of time. People should get out into the real beautiful world and make proper friends. The online world is full of fake people anyway

    • HMMMM interesting. But all you do is come on gossip sites and obsess about other people’s lives. LMAOOOOOO 🙂

        • LOL I wish I was high!!! Though you don’t spend your time on these social websites, you WASTE it on ghanaCELEBRITIES, so in other words, it has everything to do with this post. You are a hypocrite, a big one; all you do is waste your time on social media. Go find “real” friends instead of stressing about who Becca, a grown woman, chooses to sleep with. None of your business!!!!!

          • You are definitely HIGH because this article is about having real friends and not social media friends it is not about how people use their time on blogs or anything. So what are you talking about? Which friends do I have here?

          • YOU FOOLISH GOAT. Do you understand social media? I’m guessing not. This might not be a site in which you add friends, However, it is still social media. Anything online that interacts people is social media. You commenting on posts is also another way of wasting your time, even if you are not using facebook or twitter. “People should get out into the real beautiful world and make proper friends,” according to AkosuaGhana. Follow your own words and stop living through celebrities. You are a bad contradiction, plus you are not making any sense of yourself right now.
            PS-Keep the response coming, I have all day.

          • Another fool looking for attention. What are you doing on here then? The article is talking about twitter, instagram and facebook friends. but you are talking from your backside

          • Attention? Oh honey, I don’t have to look for it. I know ignorance is a bliss, but I’m too naive to understand why you can’t comprehend common sense. GEEZ…

          • Why would u attack her for speaking her mind? come on we here to have a friendly convo not an insults

  2. What is worse is that some people actually BUY “friends” on these social networks just to make themselves appear more “popular” and important than they really are. I know of one Ghanaian who pretends to be some big shot on these social networks who has actually BOUGHT over 700,000 followers on Twitter in an effort to dupe people of his importance.

  3. I’m so glad I’m a “wise Web speaker”…A lot has changed since social media….its up to us to teach the young ones coming up the differences between virtual and real life.. .also to parents who shares everything about tgeur lives on social media….social media is a great platform but there’s a limit…..Unfortunately that limit has faded

  4. Now almost all of my mates and friends marry through facebook and they will come out and say he’s an old friend. Facebook should allow them to pay fine for lol meeting their spouse. These social media’s has taken all the attention from the ladies. I still to my GC for hot gossip only and not these facebooks, instagram or twitter. To me internet dating to marriage doesn’t last and is quiet embarrassing. The same way the guy browsed through you will be the same way he would browse through another girl even if married or not. What are you going to tell your kids? lying is never an option so how would they explain things to the kids?


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