On Friday, Queen Elizabeth II made history on Twitter by sending out her first ever tweet as she attended at event at the Science Museum in London.
Interestingly, even before her tweet the BritishMonarchy twitter handled at over 72,000 followers and just after her tweet, over 100,000 people followed her.
Several people retweeted her message and others tweeted at her to get her attention—with some even asking her what her who was her X-factor favourite, as if she was going sit and chat them via twitter.
Most of the messages tweeted at her were supportive as many welcomed her to twitter but as usual, the cyber trolls came out to bully her.
One of the twitter trolls tweeted at the Queen saying; “f*** off and die.”
An official spokesperson for Buckingham Palace said that the royal family simply shrugged off the negative responses as something that comes with the territory of participating in online social media.
“We saw some tweets with profanity but that is just the nature of the format,” said the Palace PR person. “We were fully cognizant of the nature of Twitter, where anyone anywhere can express their opinion, but we were delighted that so many people — in the tens of thousands — responded positively. We also received tens of thousands of new followers as a result of the tweet.”
And for those wondering, the “R” in her signature after “Elizabeth” stands for “Regina,” which is the Latin word for “Queen.