The insanity level of many of these Big Brother Africa participants is beyond measure—and last Friday, things went off the roof with alcohol having mixed with the individual madness.
Tanzanian housemate-Laveda has become the talk of the continent this weekend owning to the fact that after having a lot to drink, she treated the whole Africa and her housemates to some sort of free adult moment—openly pleasuring herself while groaning and moaning.
If this is not the definition of contemporary insanity—then I might have to re-evaluate my head.
Some of the housemates who were in the room where she was touching herself ran downstairs to tell Idris, follow Tanzanian housemate—on whose bed Laveda was openly unleashing her craziness.
Idris was upset and when he rushed upstairs, he nearly slapped the hell out of Laveda but for the intervention of the other housemates…
He was angry and shouted; ‘how can you be mast**bating before everyone’?
Not only did Laveda groan and moan, the bed was damn wet—to the extent that one housemate who latter went upstairs asked; your bed is wet, did you pour some water on there? Yeah, water in deed but we all know the sort of water at this stage…
Check out the video below as Laveda became the talk of the house too—thereafter.
For some reason, this year’s BBA isn’t interesting at all, dky
For some reason, this year’s BBA isn’t interesting at all, dky