The difference between a developed nation and developing nation is the former plays to win, fights (works hard) to stay ahead. No matter how the world transforms and turns, they are prepared. People in these nations don’t relinquish their duties and responsibilities to God on the pretext of religiosity.
They commit themselves to working to develop themselves individually as well as build a peaceful, free, rich and progressive nation. They are less corrupt, honest, caring and more human-focused. They even have enough pennies to give in ‘charitable aid’ and the latter hide behind laziness and cowardice under religion. There’s little or no work done—they leave everything to God by fasting and praying. Religious zealotry, lazy-minded, intolerance (self-righteous, bigoted and intolerant of other faiths) and poverty run very high in this nation and they’re not even ashamed to use ‘charitable aid’ to buy sanitary towels.
One significant trait of the developing (praying) nations is with all their religiosity, they are very ungodly. Bribery and corruption is rife in such countries. Service to humanity? Forget it!
Prayer is not always the winning formula. We love to quickly prescribe prayer and fasting to and for everything. We fail to reason our way out of issues because it’s a quicker route to success (we think). Prayer is not the key and the answer….character/attitude is! Everything ‘pray, pray and fast’ – why not reason your way out of issues?
Some people are fasting warriors – they can fast (actually go on hunger strike) for everything their pretty little brains can solve. Some claim they don’t want to fail so they prefer to pray for guidance but there’s freedom in failure – sometimes you need to fail to have a wider perspective of how things work. People became very successful by failing because they learnt their lessons the hard way with the added advantage of being wise.
We first have to look at our character and attitude towards others, life and work because in spite of all our ‘pray, pray, pray’, we’re poor, poor, poor with so many diseases. Our prayers cannot even cure our diseases because we live reckless lives. The more we pray, the poorer we become. We can’t be bothered to work because hey, in our fathers’ house there are many mansions so one day, we’ll go and enjoy. People walk around, pray and fast believing that they can go to bed jobless and wake up as one of the richest people in the world. You can pray to get that job but your attitude will kick you out of the same job.
We’ve been conditioned that religion IS what will solve our problems and with all the facts and evidence we’re seeing, we’re not ready to change out mentality. We can’t leave praying (very impossible) but why don’t we play more to win and exit the ‘developing’ to ‘developed’?
If pastors were praying, praying and fasting to come out of poverty, do you think they’ll be stupendously rich as they are now? …They reasoned their way out of lack and it worked/is working perfectly for them. They claim they ‘gave, gave and gave’ and God blessed their giving because there is more in giving than receiving – that is intelligent speaking and what are we doing to get out of lack? PRAYING and FASTING!
I’m not saying prayer is bad otherwise I’d be a hypocrite because I pray to get divine numbers to win the lottery among other things (lottery is not a sin, it’s the stock exchange of the poor) but what my brains and hands can do to achieve something …I reason my way out. Fasting? I don’t have ‘extra body’ to lose!
Any country/person which/who ‘pray, pray and pray plus the added bonus of fasting’ without reasoning their way out of poverty FAILS woefully!
You want to break exam records? Pray!
You want to learn how to cook? Pray!
You want to be rich? Pray and fast!
You want to start a business? Pray and fast without planning!
Pray for the president for guidance to rule the country???? Go and work for Google and tell the boss to pray for you to execute your job well!
Am Christian myself but I get the job done by actually doing something but I also pray. Christians and Muslims believe prayer and fasting does EVERYTHING. Faith is important but most things is just simple common sense.