
VIDEO: Actress-Jasmine Baroudi Talks Homosexuality | Calls On Society To Be Accepting Of Gays And Lesbians

Actress-Jasmine Baroudi
Actress-Jasmine Baroudi

This is the future we must strive towards, open-mindedness in dealing with other people’s world view rather than close-minded bigotry borne out of the kind of upbringing society’s drummed into you.

I always maintain the only reason man has advanced as far as we have is our tendency to rationally analyse things and reach our own conclusions. Unfortunately, down here in Ghana religion and cultural mores so often block a person’s thinking faculties; keeping them stuck in whatever has been pumped into them with no desire to critically examine those beliefs on their own.

Jasmine Barudi exhibited the kind of open-mindedness that should be the norm rather than the exception. Not fully, but at least she’s on the right track towards tolerance of other people’s orientation.

She appeared on the African Drum, and in the interview spoke of the need for gay people to be accepted. She recognised that some people were born that way, and so whether we liked it or not they existed in society with us.

“…I realised that some people are actually born with those genes in them…there’s nothing you can do about it, you just have to accept it. If a guy and a guy want to get married, fine”

The actress also asked a good question, what were we going to do to all the gays in society. Kill them? Ostracise them? She doesn’t realise her fellow countrymen have no problem with taking that approach.

“…Those who are, like I said were born with it, they can’t help it and what are you going to do? Are you going to kill all gay people? Are you gonna ostracize them? What are you gonna do? Nothing! You just have to accept them

I’m not gonna sit here and criticize no gay and lesbian people… Two guys wanna get married and so what? Some guys are genuinely not attracted to girls, no matter what you do. A girl can get naked in front of a guy and the guy will not respond. What are you going to do to him? You can’t force him to get married to a woman. If he’s attracted to another man and they are happy, they are making their own money, you know what I mean? What’s your own? It shouldn’t bother you. I just hope they are doing it for the right reasons and not just for fun.

I have no problem with gay people, lesbians; we’re all friends”

You can watch Jasmine Baroudi’s full interview below… 



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6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Actress-Jasmine Baroudi Talks Homosexuality | Calls On Society To Be Accepting Of Gays And Lesbians”

  1. Scientifically, it’s difficult to prove that people have some GAY DNA or Genes and as such the argument that people are born that way though good is not completely valid (forget the xq28 and 8q12 discoveries).

    What I am trying to say is; it doesn’t have to be a born with thing for people to accept it—even if it is by choice, it’s equally valid. People’s sexual orientation; either one thinks they were born with it or have made the choice should be respected and accepted.

    I decided to comment on this to displace the sort of subtle disparity Jasmine creates with her comment that if people are born with it then we should not have a problem—somehow, if someone decides to be gay, then such a person’s position is somewhat not really valid.

    Once again, this shows the hovering societal tension. Of course she supports gays but for fear of backlash and societal crucifixion, she is just being careful and as such, she is putting this non-existent division in place.

    We have to learn to call a spade a spade!

    • Absolutely agree with you. Most reputable scientific organizations in the world today believe that homosexuality(in the sense of being attracted to the same sex) is not a choice but, like you said, there is no consensus on what causes it although scientists believe that it is a complex interaction between nature & nurture (it’s not been conclusively proven to be entirely caused by genes).

      There is also the logical argument made about homosexuality not being a choice ie: why would anyone choose to be attracted to the same sex in a place like Africa for example where it could result in your death? That being said, I agree with you that even if being homosexual is a choice or people intentionally choose to be attracted to the same sex, it doesn’t give society the right to legislate against it because it is two consenting adults mutually agreeing to love each other & it is not harming anyone else.

      Moreover, if people are allowed to choose their religions & protected from persecution to the point that they even attack anyone for criticizing their beliefs (like people criticize you here daily lol), then people should also be allowed to decide whom to be with.

    • There are more ahead! And what i mean is that, There will be a time you will publish a story and give your own comments, because we’re seeing full of indecency and ungodliness in you., so only few cares what you published on your blog.

    • Chris,
      Even if you don’t consider the scientific aspect of homosexuality, we can safely say sexuality of animals(which includes humans) is complex. With different permutations. Period. That should be enough for those who can’t read or research further to accept. Just like when we talk about shape and sizes of our head and other appendages. To illustrate some heterosexuals engage in anal sex but don’t consider themselves gay. Some very gay men get married and have sex with women. Some straight men have sex with little boys and don’t consider themselves gay. So sexuality is complex. Which is also the problem with most people whose only objection to gay people is based on their religion. They are simple and like their message simple. Thou shall not….. Any complexities and you are tasking their brains so they won’t accept it. I believe the difficulties with the complexities of the universe is what drives most of them to accept the religious interpretation of the world. Because it is simple. Rather than accept the complexities of life they prefer the simple ones. That’s why the boil the totality of a gay person’s existence to his sexual orientation. He could be a doctor, scientist, prof etc. All that is inconsequential because of whom he choses to have sex with. That is the work of a simple mind.
      Here is a thought. What do you think Agya Koo’s view of fellatio and cunnilingus would be? I am certain it will be the simplistic one. Where if any of his friends participated in it, would cause him to never give them his drinking glass or cups ever again. Or even banning them from his home.

  2. Poor humanity too carnal and no brain our body is the worst enemy we have into this world,our problem as human started the day we choose to satisfy our flesh no matter what it takes forgetting our soul and spirit as a result in western where people are said to be free,there is so much sadness and desperation,people are so unhappy and bound to suicide this prove that flesh pleasure is not the key to happiness,and do give peace of mind,Homosexuality is not a normal thing and would never be no matter how much humanity tries to make it Godly,this will never work,those defending it are just protecting something lethal for this world,accepting homosexuality is just like accepting that two men or two women can make a world what is totaly impossible everything we does in this world must be in the sense of surviving and protecting life homosexuality means the separation of the male and female there is no way it can create life so it’s can be considered as a illness and therefore should not be considered as normal we don’t have to let our desires lead us in deadly ways just because our flesh is too weak to say no.
    As for Jasmine dear lady Africa have more important issues even in western countries Gay rights are not considered as a priority so if you want to be usefull to this Africa find something else.You people are trying to normalize gayism in Africa so that the useless people that are already using it to harass us will have more power,you want to give more power to all those secret cults in Africa??? this will never happen in Jesus name.How many young people are being harassed for homosexuel relation,in exchange of a job,money or fame here in Africa? you want to kill us?? May God forgive you all you don’t know what you’re talking about.


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