World News

Pakistani Woman Set Ablaze By Husband And Father-In-Law Because She Left Home Without Asking Permission

Honour Killing in Pakistan protester
Honour Killing in Pakistan protester

They call it ‘honour killing’ in that part of the world. The ‘Honour killing’ entails killing a woman who is believed to have brought shame or dishonour to the family through her actions.

Often these are trivial issues, or issues the woman has no control over. Yet it’s a society where women are treated worse than third class citizens with the express permission of religion and society.

A Pakistani woman, 25 year old Shabana Bibi, was set ablaze by her husband and his father because she left the house to visit her sister. Her crime was that she did not ask her almighty husband for permission before setting off.

According to MailOnline, the two were arrested for the crime, but now police are saying that they have no doubt the victim committed suicide. Now all that is needed for the two perpetrators to be set free is if three men come forward to swear on the Qur’an that they are innocent.

They already have three men lined up willing to do that.

The victim’s brother is running around crying for justice, but he’s more likely to get himself killed than accomplish anything. This is a society that sees nothing wrong with these so-called ‘honour killings’ and you can see that in the way law enforcement themselves look eager to get the perpetrators off the hook.

Equal treatment of women should be a matter of course nowadays, but some societies would never, or at least not anytime soon, get to that level. Because religion leads the way for these people, and nothing endorses misogyny like the Islam these regions follow.

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