Celebrity Ghanaian TV Presenter and Sports enthusiast-Nana Aba Anamoah has opened a floodgate of self-mockery on social media on the back of the usual celebrity fabrication, intended to elevate her social standing in the eyes of her fans and whoever the watchers would be.
Unfortunate for her, she has been lampooned by Ghanaian social media users for hours, for forgery, something which has become a Ghanaian Celebrity culture—because no one really questions the claims of these celebrities.
Today, Nana Aba Anamoah sits on top of the ladder as the busted Ghanaian celebrity who photoshopped herself into someone’s photo and claimed with shocking haughtiness that she traveled to UK to watch her admired team, Manchester United play at Old Trafford.
Only a drunkard moron or a complete nitwit who fails to carefully assess the brilliance of the many social media users would do this —and for Nana Aba, she seems to be both. Or else, what is the reasonable explanation for inviting legions of social media abusers to look up your dirty ass in such a reprehensible manner?
Perhaps, it’s not about being a completely pinhead, it could be that she had gotten away with so many of such ridiculous but status elevating claims—to the extent that, Nana Aba Anamoah did not even think twice before making this ‘gargantuan’ mistake. But then again, Ghanaians take a lot in without asking questions so this must have come as a shock to our beloved celebrity fraudster.
Talking about false claims and the culture of perpetuating lies, it’s the daily bread of Ghanaian Celebrities—so it’s not a peculiar trait of Nana Aba.
From fake LV bags which they’ve flown to China to purchase and proudly parade as real to the blatant falsehoods they propagate, Nana Aba’s backlash and the unending humour being served by social media users seem to have taken shape because she jumped onto the wrong playground, that of Manchester United.
Ghanaian social media users wouldn’t so much care about fake designer bags these broke Ghanaian celebrities mostly parade as real, and they seemingly don’t give a hoot whether indeed a certain celebrity has a legitimate right to some of the many industry claims.
#NanaAbaWasThere when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon pic.twitter.com/IyMnvFWVuC
— VivaGhana (@vivaghana) September 28, 2015
However, expect to be heavily scourged if you were not at Old Trafford and yet you are stupid enough to hijack someone’s photo to insert yourself in there—thinking you are clever and every other person including the actual owner of the original photo wouldn’t notice.
This is deeply embarrassing for Nana Aba Anamoah but on the grand scale of things, she is not the only fraud in circulation—almost all the Ghanaian Celebrities live on unending lies and they’ve only survived up to this stage because of their credulous followers.
Interlaced into our culture of not asking questions is an open forum for those who take pride in lies and undeserving self glorification to live their false dreams. You can claim to be whatever you want in Ghana and a few would examine your claim to ask relevant questions.
#NanaAbaWasThere pic.twitter.com/vUkrPDn0Mr
— Sofa Coach (@MrAppenteng) September 27, 2015
So while mortifying Nana Aba Anamoah for the many unimaginable historical appearances she made, including having been there when Neil Armstrong first landed on the moon—let’s also consider her as an unfortunate casualty of a prevarication culture widely enjoyed by almost all Ghanaian Celebrities.
Of course she has been duly busted and she deserves every bit of the social media mortification—and if we did so to the others, we would safeguard ourselves from the unending bragging of the many social nonentities, called Celebrities…
Maybe the Yvonne Nelsons, John Dumelos and the Nadia Buaris will henceforth evaluate some of the ridiculous claims they confidently watch our faces and throw at us—as though we are plainly stupid.
@AkuaQBChelsea Say make I Tweet this #nanaAbawasthere pic.twitter.com/Jwjw8Z6UgL
— Mr Kodua (@NanaBoachieGh) September 28, 2015
On the pitch with Manchester United players…
She took a selfie with Neil Armstrong on the moon…
#NanaAbaWasThere when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon pic.twitter.com/IyMnvFWVuC
— VivaGhana (@vivaghana) September 28, 2015
She was with Kwame Nkrumah when Queen Elizabeth visited Ghana…
#NanaAbaWasThere pic.twitter.com/vUkrPDn0Mr
— Sofa Coach (@MrAppenteng) September 27, 2015
At coronation of an European cup win for her beloved Manchester United…
#NanaAbaWasThere when Man Utd won their 1st European cup in 1968… Nana Aba the diehard fan😂😂😂 pic.twitter.com/oClOlpFycp
— WINNER🇬🇭 (@mr_yeboah_) September 27, 2015
She officiated the famous David and Goliath battle…
She's Everywhere, this time round see where I found her, #NanaAbaWasThere trying to separate the fight. pic.twitter.com/DKkmJICWzO
— Phill (@blacdrug) September 28, 2015
Other hilarious tweets…
I hear say Adam was cheating on Eve with Nana Aba. How true is that??? #nanaabawasthere
— Real Madrid fan (@kendrickLemarfa) September 28, 2015
Somebody say Nana Aba was the Waitress at the Lord's supper #NanaAbaWasThere
You peepo go kill we😂😂😂😂
— DOYI🔌 (@oh_dipsy_di33r) September 28, 2015
Nana Aba was the person that hooked up Kwame Nkrumah and Fatia. Fatia was her School daughter. #NanaAbaWasThere
— M Bioh (@agya_bioh) September 27, 2015
When Don Bortey's father needed someone to breastfeed baby Don Bortey, #NanaAbaWasThere
— WINNER🇬🇭 (@mr_yeboah_) September 27, 2015
#NanaAbaWasThere unknown location, coded. pic.twitter.com/1celiniCVj
— tornam uchiha (@ayigbe_vandame) September 27, 2015
But GC paa. Why drag John Dumelo, Nadia Buari & yn into this ? When u have hard evidence against them too then you can drag their names
But GC has busted all these people you mentioned in the past before for fraud or something like that. DO you remember John Dumelo hotel story, Yvonne Nelson LV bags and others?
They are all liars that is all they do to their fans. I am happy this woman has been busted in cold weather
These things keep happening because, we as a people still hold on to the colonial perception, that anything that has to do with the white man, and outside of Africa is better. And it defies whatever level of education the person may have or their status…we gloat over people who have been outside of Africa, and back like they just arrived from heaven. Africa is a great continent, full of riches. If we as a people would hold our leaders accountable, and ensure they do the right thing, devoid of the massive corruption that has become a way of life, we can realize our potential, and it wouldn’t be such a big deal for people to fool anyone with fake pictures of going on a shopping spree in Europe, America, China or wherever it maybe.