
VIDEO: Pastor Blows Millions Of Church Funds On His Lavish Lifestyle And Struggles Mightily To Justify It In A Deposition

david e taylor
Apostle David E.Taylor

I had no idea who Apostle David E. Taylor was until a few minutes ago, when I stumbled upon this video on Facebook- but I know thousands more like him littered across the world.

Taylor is your typical conman pastor, who lives in multimillion dollar houses, dresses in suits worth thousands of dollars, and rides in a limo everywhere- and justifies all that as being done in the service of the lord.

I don’t have to say much, you just have to watch this video below and see what I’m talking about. He cannot justify why he has to wear Luis Vitton and Armani’s just to preach, he gives some lame reasons for what the church uses an almost $3m property for, he justifies (poorly) spending $50,000 in turning a Mercedes into a limousine- and he claims he has no idea who, or even the number of people, is on the church board (despite being a member)

Worse than the money he wastes, is the smug, nonchalant way he dismisses the real suffering of the people who hand him their monies every weekend, for him to maintain his lavish lifestyle whilst they rot away in poverty. It is also pretty obvious that in many, many instances, he is telling bald faced lies, or at the very least being very economical with the truth.

It’s Christmas day, so the least I can do is not rant- but how long does such exploitation have to go on before people decide to wake up?

And apparently, if more pastors were hauled before judges, we might finally see some transparency in that sector.

Watch Apostle David E. Taylor, who by the way also claims he meets Jesus face to face and that he follows him literally to wherever he takes his ministry to- mumble his way through his deposition below…

Pastor fails miserably when interviewed by Court about how he spends the Church’s money.Some of y’all Pastors need to be summoned to these depositions too…

Posted by Ryan J Bruce on Tuesday, 22 December 2015


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2 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pastor Blows Millions Of Church Funds On His Lavish Lifestyle And Struggles Mightily To Justify It In A Deposition”

  1. Love how he cut a merc into a limo for 50k ..I just did a night shift in a care home after working my office 9-5 and had to walk 1:45 hours back home cos tfl buses don’t work on Xmas and ain’t no way am paying for a taxi and this guy just cutting mercs anyhow.

    Judgement awaits


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