
Road Constructed By Car Gifting Burkinabe Contractor Springs Potholes Months After Completion Despite Mahama Calling It One Of The Best Roads In The Country

You remember Djibril Kanazoe, the Burkinabe contractor who gifted the President a Ford Expedition vehicle in 2012, allegedly as a reward for receiving some contracts?
Turns out he doesn’t build roads very well.
The Dodo Pepesu-Nkwanta road in the Volta region is one of the contracts Kanazoe received from the government of Ghana. It is a road that was commissioned in April this year, April 19, to be exact.
It is also one that has developed potholes in June 2016.
During the commissioning of the road, the President had high praise for Mr Kanazoe and his company, for building one of the most quality roads this country has ever seen.
“I also want to take the opportunity to thank Messrs Oumarou Kanazoe Contractors Limited of Burkina Faso for the very high quality of work they have done on this stretch of road. As I have said, perhaps, this is one of the best quality roads in Ghana today and I will urge the Minister of Road and Highways to bring other contractors to come and see so that they can emulate it in other parts of the country.” President Mahama said that day.
Yet here we are, just over two months later, and photographic evidence exists of the road developing potholes.
If Kanazoe is no good at building roads, why does he win so many contracts from Ghana? Maybe we have to go check on the wall at our Burkinabe embassy, which he built in Ougadougou.
It’s amazing that despite all this, the President finds the time to be flippant about this case.
Check out the high quality road below…

This post was published on June 23, 2016 6:23 PM

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