
Why Money, Cars, Houses & Others Are Not Really WEALTH—We've Been Fooled for Many Years

Poor and Rich
Poor and Rich

I came across an interesting piece from Stephen Hawkings today for project Unlimited, which resonates with me on so many levels—and I’ve decided to share the idea from my perspective.
Per Stephen Hawkings which I wholly agree with him, it’s time we re-evaluate our universal conception of WEALTH—which mainly focuses on possessions or cash.
He persuasively argues that if we continue in this path, the world would become more unequal, terrible and superficial. We will continue to miss the core essence and value of life, our existence and what should sit on top of our scale of preference.
Wealth I believe, as articulated by Hawkings too should be re-defined, such that “Knowledge” and “Experience” would become the focus.
This way, when we say someone is wealthy—then that person ought to have a rich knowledge base (be it formal or informal) and enviable life experience.
“Knowledge” and “Experience” are true human wealth because they are the two things we really can say we own— we are not the owners of the material things we glorify ourselves with.
Because, if you own something, you should be able to take it with you to wherever when you die. We are just transient custodians of the ipads, lands, houses, cars and even the cash in our bank accounts.
Yet, we place emphasis on these things as wealth—when in fact the knowledge and experiences we own, that will follow us wherever we go are deeply devalued on the spectrum of wealth.
By this new evaluation and redefinition, a poor person is he that lacks knowledge and experience. Transient things are not really the cornerstone of this.
Life will be more meaningful, less competitive and far richer in experience if we embrace this.
This also ties in so well with Steve Job having once said the most important things in life are the things you would take with to your grave—memories and knowledge.
Every other thing else, is pure BS—and you shouldn’t bother much with them.
Think about it!


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3 thoughts on “Why Money, Cars, Houses & Others Are Not Really WEALTH—We've Been Fooled for Many Years”

  1. Ok then, start using your apparent “wealth” of knowledge and experience to pay for your blog instead of begging your readers for sponsorships.

  2. Also acquiring knowledge and experiences if it does not truly help you in any shape or form is useless knowledge whiles alive even if that’s what you are taking with you to your grave….
    Its about the degrees of experiences of freedom , love , happiness, power, money, health etc( which is true wealth) whiles one is alive…
    True wealth has never really been and should not be refocused on just a wealth of knowledge and experiences just as much as it shouldn’t be focused entirely on money and properties….

  3. PeeTom, or whatever your stupid name is, you are an idiot. If you have been paying any attention instead of shooting off your stupid and ignorant mouth about things you have no clue about, you would know that the current “leading” blog now on here is showing exactly what I said (with him having raised only 150 pounds of his requested 100k on GofundMe). Chris has been begging for money on here for years. Sycophantic fools like you just like to talk for talking sake. Get a clue next time before opening your stanking mouth.


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