I have stopped watching African movies until things drastically change–I realised I can make better use of my time by sleeping, watching some 1970 Kungfu movies or draining myself in one of the numerous amazing western TV series.
Unless I am being paid for my time, I wouldn’t waste two hours of my time on earth watching the nonsense most of the film-makers in Africa, especially Ghana have been putting out there are movies.
We’ve given them enough time to get better, to get serious or at least to understand that their patrons are not stupid or bored to death such that anything at all they put out there would be consumed. But it’s rather getting worse.
I came across the below video on Facebook and it summarizes everything that’s wrong with the other part of Ghana’s movie industry-Kumawood–and anyone who calls it a movie industry.
And don’t say just this one; 99 percent of the movies from Kumawood falls within such an absurd category.
Considering the availability of a wide range of movies and TV series out there for the ordinary African to watch courtesy of the internet, I find it unfortunate that many of the filmmakers in Africa still think people would continue to watch such rubbish.
It’s not even funny away–it’s really pathetic!
Check out the video below…