The President of IMANI Africa, Franklin Cudjoe has revealed how the erstwhile NDC government tried to “silence” him by trying to plant drugs on him and entice him with some “Jezebels” in an attempt to get him to tone down on the criticism of their governance. The IMANI boss took to his Facebook page to level these allegations against the NDC, stating boldly that IMANI “doesn’t clamour for respect and prestige” from local politicians and their “blind followers” as they get a lot of that from more relevant institutions and personalities who are recognized globally.
He wrote “It must be clear now that after 14 years of intellectual power-fired activism, IMANI doesn’t clamour for respect and prestige. We have loads of that from more globally relevant institutions and personalities. We do not need it from local political actors and their blind followers. We are aware of plans to destroy IMANI with all manner of traps to terminate us.
One former government appointee once told one of my vice-presidents that they had reached their wits end that the only option was to set us up by putting hard drugs in our travelling luggage. In the heat of the Afriwave Subah battles with the previous NCA, the Directors were heard discussing how to trap me and other male colleagues with nice nice girls.
I believe this because one very fine girl came asking to volunteer freely for IMANI around the time. I asked her to volunteer for IMANI from home. And the conspiracy continues under the current administration. We have heard about all the plots. But we have also heard about calls for truce.
In Ghana, we just want to be effective against advertised political decay and policy illogicality and we can freakin fry anyone, friends, family that fall foul all because we want to protect the average Ghanaian from creative scams, schemes and ultimate penury. And on that note, I am announcing a hotline ( 0558465611) that anyone can call when they have an issue in their locality, place of work as long as verifiàble schemes to outsmart Ghana is concerned.
Please do not only report politicians. We want to know all civil servants scheme too. They are mostly worse.”