Ghanaian gospel musician based in the United States, Don D, has rubbished claims that drinking alcohol is a sin and Christians are not supposed to partake in it.
Don D’s reasoning is that even the big guy himself, Jesus Christ, drunk some alcohol whilst on earth so it can’t be a sin else he would not have done it.
Speaking in an interview with Rainbow Radio, Don D reacted to recent stories that some pastors take in alcohol.
Quoting some bible passages, he said the bible supports taking in alcohol and thus pastors and Christians at large are at liberty to also do same.
“If a pastor after preaching comes home and feels distressed or unable to sleep and sips in wine or a little amount of alcohol in order for him to sleep, would you consider that as a sin?” he queried.
Don D quoted Luke 7: 34 — “The son of man came eating and drinking, and u say, here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners”, to support his position that Jesus drunk whilst on earth.
His second quote, 1st Timothy 5:23, was even more explicit in its support of drinking. That passage reads: “Stop drinking only water, and use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illness.”
We all also remember the very famous biblical story of Jesus turning water into wine thus the old man must not really hate drinking after all.
But honestly, we don’t know why this would be an issue in the first place because every Christian I know drinks therefore, pastors themselves must be able to suck as well without judgement.
Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com