The royal wedding has suddenly ended in tears. Anita Sefa Boakye and her sweetheart, Barima Osei Mensah’s marriage has reportedly hit the rocks!
A report surfaced last night that Anita Sefa Boakye has sent back her husband’s drinks to the palace to divorce him as their marriage is going through a tough phase.
According to the report, the traditional divorce process is expected to happen today where elders of both families will sit and dissolve the marriage.
Although there had been a report earlier that Anita’s husband was allegedly cheating, the recent report about their divorce didn’t state a reason for it.
But according to some close friends, Anita allegedly doesn’t respect anybody.
They revealed money is not her problem – she is very rich and very friendly, but respect is one thing she really lacks.
Some friends of Anita have hinted that her marriage probably didn’t work because she allegedly failed to submit.
Check out the screenshot below;