
Stonebwoy is the Most Ungrateful being God Ever Created – Bitter Ayisha Modi Drags Stonebwoy Amidst Succesful Concert

Ayisha Modi, who claims to have financed the careers of almost every big star in Ghana, is pissed off at the ingratitude of all the artists she’s helped.

Ayisha Modi in a new video is spotted ranting against all these artists she’s helped who have now turned their backs on her.

According to her, none of them remember her once she has helped them financially and through other means to hit the limelight.

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Modi singled out Stonebwoy for being very ungrateful and refusing to do anything for her despite all the sacrifices she made to make him a star.

She also revealed that one artist she helped to blow could not even show her the courtesy of performing at a show after she asked but rather charged her exorbitantly.

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Watch her video below…

Reactions to Modi’s video were mixed with some who stood by her whilst others asked her to rest.

“I bet those who are going to condemn this are the ones who has nothing to offer people. If you know how ingratitude hurts a anka y’all won’t say shii,” one netizen said.

Another took a different tack, writing: “Nobody held a knife to your neck to support any artist !! Stop blowing your horns and sleep in pains. Nipa y3 bad so next invest in akonfem. At least you go get some chop with fried yam,”

Source: GhanaCelebrities.Com

This post was published on December 23, 2023 9:34 AM

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