The sun was no less merciful today— it continued to shine with unabated incompassion and these politicians keep talking all the lies. I don’t know if I am the only one but I am increasingly getting tired of all these unbelievable lies already.
Shatta Wale says he changed his named from Bandana to Shatta Wale because the former is way too local. Shatta Wale will never cease to amaze some of us. I mean Shatta Wale simply does not taste like salad or any foreign delicacy so to speak.
FIve BALD FACED LIES The Christian Bible Tells Us And Why We Have To Stop Believing Them
Most religions and religious people have a very loose relationship with the truth, both in its literal meaning of a statement being truthful and other truths, such as scientific facts of the universe as we know it.
Religion and science often come into conflict, as religious people intent on holding onto their worldviews attempt to rubbish the utility of science. It’s not even a conversation that should be worth having because religion as a means of acquiring truths about the universe has contributed little except millennia old books that unsurprisingly contain little knowledge useful for today’s world – whilst science has changed everything about life as we know it with its application in technology.
OUR FOREGONE PLEASURES: 8 Things We Did As Children That Leave Us Nostalgic Every time We Remember, Wishing We Never Grew Up
One friend told me she used pluck chewing gum to chew from under tables or wherever she finds any irrespective of who may have stuck it there when she was growing up. All I could utter was a dramatic disgusting adding the “ewwww” sound to make it look even more nauseating.
After my conversation with her, I found myself laughing to nothing, remembering all the equally appalling stuff I did when I was growing up— the truth is I did far worse but in a rather cunning and mischievous way.
THE WTF PHOTOS OF THE DAY !! These Ones Are A Must SEE So Click Already
The sun never seem to amaze me with goosebumps— I mean today is a holiday so couldn’t it have been subtle in throwing the sting on us. Well that was just by the way.
So yesterday decided to treat its cherished readers to some of the funny pictures that circulate on social media platforms each day. I hear the doubters say they would leave us at the brink of wanting more but heed not to the doubting Thomas’s because this is something that we intend doing for infinity.
4 Instances The Ghanaian Man Can Be Painfully Unromantic : When We Ask Them To Watch La Gata, They Tell Us We Are Feeding On Fiction
So yesterday I was asking if the much talked about hell is any real because if indeed hell is real, then I can with no iota of doubt say , hell is none other place than Ghana. I possibly cannot be the only one who thinks and sees anything with red, gold, green and a black star as doom, in whichever package it may be nicely decorated in.
Anything Ghanaian simply is immediately depressing and dating a man who has been conceived in the womb of a Ghanaian woman adds more icing to the cake.