Three more of the Big Brother Hotshots ladies were evicted during Sunday’s live show as Africa gave Lilian (Nigeria), Esther (Uganda) and Sabina (Kenya) their marching orders. Their departures, in conjunction with the evictions of Resa and Mira last week, mean that five ladies have now been evicted from the Hotshots house – and not a single one of the men!
The trio was sent home after gathering the fewest votes from Africa over the course of the week, of the nine nominated housemates. JJ received five country votes, while Tayo received three and Permithias two. Four housemates received one country vote each and two housemates received no country votes. The tie-breaker rule again came into effect this week, to separate the four housemates who received one country vote each.
Heading into the house for the first time, IK teased Permithias and Idris about their liaisons with the ladies before asking Head of House Samantha to stand and reveal her ‘add’ decision. She revealed that she had based her decision on the strongest member of the winning Extravaganza group, with Ellah as her choice. After giving several housemates heart-in-mouth moments, IK revealed that Lilian and Esther would be heading home.