A month ago, authorities at Ghana Standard Board were in the news – asking celebrities not to allow themselves to be used for advertising alcoholic drinks or beverages because those celebs have huge followers who could be deluded into alcoholism.
So I took my time to research on the Act they claim debars celebrities from being used to advertise alcoholic drinks – this is my shock: “No advertisement should suggest that drinking is an essential attribute of masculinity or advertisements should neither claim nor suggest that any alcoholic drink can contribute towards sexual success or can enhance sexual attractiveness.”
Read the provisions of the Liquor Licensing Act 1970 (Act 331) of Ghana:
(a) Advertising of alcoholic drinks should not be directed at persons under 18 years in contravention of the Liquor Licensing Act 1970 (Act 331). Presentation of advertisements on alcoholic drinks likely to be of particular appeal to children should be avoided. (b) Children should not be seen or heard in an advertisement for alcoholic drinks.
(c) In advertisements for drinks containing alcohol anyone associated with drinking should be or appear to be at least 18 years old.
The PARTICULAR ACT the Ghana Standard Board applied in telling the celebrities, especially Kwame Dzokoto, to stop advertising alcohol is below; (d) Advertisements for alcoholic drinks should not feature any personality whose example persons under 18 years are likely to emulate or who has a particular appeal to persons under that age.