
Charter House Should Reconsider Rebranding The Name ‘GH Entertainment Awards’


Almost 15 years now since Charterhouse started Ghana Music Awards in Ghana, and  as reported some weeks ago, they are about to start nurturing another award scheme by name GH Entertainment Awards.

Known for professionalism, quality and precision in event organization, I have no smidge of dubiety in me that Charterhouse shall grow this new award scheme into a prestigious one. Nonetheless, I feel the name of the award scheme – ‘GH Entertainment Awards,’ should be changed or rebranded.

In my candid opinion, the name sounds or appears too ‘boyish.’ The shorten form of Ghana which many call GH, is not very mature a prefix for such a ‘would-become’ estimable award with an encompassing wide scope – music, movies, radio, TV, fashion, Arts writing, events, sports and many more.

The frivolous and lighter name fragments of Ghana as GH should not be used to brand the award. I see Charterhouse’s use of ‘GH’ in this wise, like trying to formalize a word like ‘am’ (instead of “I am” or the contracted “I’m”) which is perkily used by many for informal writing.

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