The Church is the richest institution in the world and yet it pays no tax—pretty interesting. But then, who will have the dangling stinking balls to ask God the almighty to pay tax to him? Even Russia’s notorious Putin cannot do it.
So we rather have to keep paying 1/10 of our money plus extra to the church all the time—for a promised divine blessing and also for the welfare of the already rich institution with the hope that the institution will reach out to others when they are in need, on our behalf.
If you did not know, the church has more money than the bank of Ghana so any time you need a loan, talk to the pastors and see if indeed they are positioned on this earth by God to help anyone in anyway.
Despite how rich the church is, far richer than EIB Network (owners of Starr FM who donated 55,000 GHS together with their associates to the flood victims)—most of these churches could not dig into the church bank account to bring out some ‘big money’ to help the recent Accra Flood/Filling Station blast victims. Instead, the churches have launched several appeals, asking people to bring in extra money and relief to be channelled to the victims.
Pathetically, the Action Chapel International (ACI) brought out only GH¢70,000 and $10,000 while the National Association of Charismatic and Christian Churches (NACCC) and the Whitaker Group added just GH¢20,000. Yeah, the watches and perfumes the head of Action Chapel International (ACI)-Archbishop Duncan-Williams wears probably cost more than all the above money the churches initially brought to set up the relief fund—which is mainly set up to collect people’s cash.
Don’t forget that in 2011, Bishop Duncan Williams was reported to have said during a speech at the first graduation ceremony of Action Chapel International Bible College in Kumasi that “he was so expensive that the perfume he used could not be found on the shelf of any shop in the country.” So you can imagine the price of this perfume we are talking about here.
What at all is the church doing with all the money they keep extorting from the members if in time of need like this, it will still come out to ask that the members who they continue to tax each day have to bring out some more money before they can adequately reach out to those in true need?