A country that cannot hold its economy together and provide for its own citizens to live in dignity as humans is not worth being labelled a nation. And such is the state of Ghana, with the hope of the citizens waking up tomorrow to a better state of affairs diminishing as each second passes…
The citizens have cried and continue to cry—but nothing seems to be getting better as the economic dances Azonto with its broken legs, while in free fall from the sky, uncaused by the actions of anybody—because no one even knows why things have turned out this way.
The leaders Ghanaians elected have disappointed us—from the lowest to the highest office of the land, every man in leadership comes up as confused as those we find in-between the gap.
The national currency-Cedi which largely dictates the direction of the economy has become valueless, with £1 measuring close to 6 cedis, when not long ago, a pound was equivalent to 2 cedis…
We’ve witnessed long nights of boring political talks, the promise of a total shake up “if you vote for me” has many times been heard with no accompanying shake up when those who make the promise are put in power.
Ghanaians have patiently waited for 4 years after another to come, hoping for the promised change to take effect—and each election has brought misery, dry pockets, unbearable hardship and unending struggles.
At this stage, anyone who entertains the slightest hope for a better Ghana to be achieved with Ghanaians as our leaders must be smoking in a thick cloud of confusion, probably high on some illegal product with no sense of reality.
Anyone who calls Ghana a failed State at this point must have been bought with several bags of the valueless cedi, which Ghanaians loath to have in their pockets as the cedi can’t purchase much of anything on the market.
Those who held Ghanaian citizenship with pride when they had access to alternative citizenships are giving up, renouncing their Ghanaian citizenship—as they try to flee from the unbearable economic and social hardship, more importantly, the disgrace.
I was not shocked when it emerged earlier today that about 817 Ghanaians renounced their Citizenship in the year 2013 as against 39 foreigners who applied to be Ghanaians. I can’t even understand those 39 foreigners who wanted to be Ghanaians, I bet 38 of them were researchers and the remaining person was in a state of confusion—took Guyana for Ghana.
Ghana has lost all it stood for, the energy the country once contained and the prospects of progress that overshadowed the country have all disappeared, paving way for “rule by jokers” and “leadership without accountability”.