In a recent article titled “The ‘Big Man’ Who Nearly Pooped On Himself At Kaneshie in Accra | Should We Even Be Calling for this?,” I looked at the fact that toilet facilities are rear in Accra, especially in our busy areas—not knowing the problem is bigger than I thought. And in fact, Ghanaian is the second leader in open defecation in the entire of Africa.
Let’s clap for ourselves: we are racking in the awards to the extent that, we having an award for shitting outside too.
Apparently almost 20% of Ghana’s population do this—they pooped outside and this is 21st century.
It’s not just that, “the country has been performing abysmally with sanitation coverage of only 15 percent, making the practice of open defecation a key sanitation challenge because people do not have access to key basic facilities,” reports DailyGuide.