
Did You Know That: Handshake is As Dangerous As SMOKING?



Though all over the world people greet and welcome each other with handshakes, it is in fact a deep rooted African and Far East culture—which goes back to centuries.

However, a new research says, the usual handshake we give each day is as dangerous as smoking in public. According to the research, even though the handshake is a ‘deeply established cultural custom,’ it can spread disease between patients.


According to MailOnline;

A controversial report has called for doctors to stop shaking patient’s hands – and says the practice is an dangerous as smoking in public.

The team claims that even though the handshake is a ‘deeply established cultural custom,’ it can spread disease between patients.

‘Some parallels may be drawn between the proposal to remove the handshake from the health care setting and previous efforts to ban smoking from public places,’ the UCLA team claim.

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