
Homosexuals Need Prayers? Christians with Sand in Their Heads Instead of Brains Rather Need Prayers!


If you’re a Christian and you read how brainless your fellow Christians behave and act on the orders of a fellow man who claims God has called him, don’t you bow down your head in shame (speak the truth otherwise you’ll go to hell)?

The Christians who use their brain will condemn and the ones who don’t want to fall short of the glory of God will justify the action even if it involves eating a smelly weave and swallowing a snake believing it’s chocolate.

Considering the happenings going around these days in the Christian world….one can’t even claim Christianity with pride these days because it’s synonymous with ‘acting senseless’. I initially thought these ‘non thinkers’ are being hypnotised to act silly but that is actually not the case.

The curious case of South African pastor, Penuel Mnguni (in case you don’t know him, he’s the pastor who takes delight in abusing people by stepping on them and asking them to strip in the name of deliverance) and some of the acts and behaviours of other African and congregants begs the question: Do we have sand in our heads or brains?

How can a right thinking human being believe the snake they’re gullibly eating is a chocolate? Like how? Some Christians who claim they’re enlightened will even do worse so it’s not limited to ‘silly South Africans alone’ – it’s an African thing.

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