The all-singing, all-dancing 9th edition of Big Brother Africa kicked off on DStv on Sunday, 5 October as the 26 housemates showed off their talents to the continent – giving millions of viewers a glimpse into what makes them Hotshots.
Viewers met the housemates who will be competing for the USD300 000 prize over the next 63 days, one-by-one, as they showcased their talents, live on stage, in one-minute slots. The studio audience scored each performance with a mark out of 100, and right at the end of the show, Big Brother called the excited housemates together and revealed the reason – the housemate who scored the highest would be named as Head of House and would be the only housemate not up for eviction next Sunday. Tanzania’s Laveda led a Top 6 that included Sabina, M’am Bea, Lilian, Arthur and JJ, meaning she is the only one not in danger of going home next week.
The house seems to be full of musicians and singers, with Kenya’s Sabina and Rwanda’s Arthur breaking the mould with comedy routines, Ghana’s M’am Bea showcasing her fashion design talents and Laveda picking up top marks with her saxophone solo. Not to be outdone by the housemates, presenter IK kicked things off with a cabaret-style singing performance of his own – and the show only got hotter from there.