
How Far is ‘Too Far’? | My Friends Say One Night Stands Shouldn't Count As Too Far


A couple of nights ago I was enjoying a relaxing evening with a few of my friends, and after several intense albeit jovial discussions on a whole range of issues, the topic reared its head towards the subject of relationships. One of my male friends made an off-the-cuff remark along the lines of “I wouldn’t … Read more

DO YOU KNOW THAT: ‘One Night Stands’ Are Not Worth It For Women As Most Do Not Fully Enjoy It!



Meeting someone on a night out and finding yourself in bed with the person after a bang is not worth it for women—-as this is more satisfying for men than women, according to a new study.

A  study has found that women are twice as likely to orgasm when having ‘seks’ as part of a committed relationship, compared to one night stands.

And apart from the known regret and heartache one nigh stands cause for women, men on such missions are less interested in satisfying the women involved.

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