
When Praying Is Useless|By Rev. Solomon Nortey


I have taken striking notice of the deepened heights of biblical illiteracy among Christians in this current dispensation.  In the field of academia, to be regarded an authority on a subject who wields thorough understanding, one must have spent a significant number of years in learning and extensive research works to attain a scholarly status.  … Read more

Rev Solomon Nortey — Ghana Needs Christians To Cultivate Good Character And The Right Attitude More Than A National Cathedral Situated In Filth


Rev. Solomon Nortey

A senior pastor with the Methodist Church in Ghana and the author of an upcoming book on Faith and Common Sense, Rev Solomon Nortey, has given his two cents on the issue of the National Cathedral.
Rev Nortey, in his piece, has called on Ghanaians to actually start acting like Christians and not simply think constructing a monument to God which might end up being situated in filth can bring blessings down on us.

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The Book Every Christian Must Read — 'Faith & Common Sense For Effective Living' By Rev Dr. Solomon Nortey


Faith & Common Sense For Effective Living

It would be an understatement to say some Christians are giving the faith a bad name in recent times with their lack of application of common sense when dealing with issues in the world.
Many ‘charismatic’ pastors have built empires on the back of the fact that people decide to suspend reason when dealing with men of God and are simply interested in giving them blind loyalty.

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The Book Every Christian Must Read — ‘Faith & Common Sense For Effective Living’ By Rev Dr. Solomon Nortey

Faith & Common Sense For Effective Living

It would be an understatement to say some Christians are giving the faith a bad name in recent times with their lack of application of common sense when dealing with issues in the world.

Many ‘charismatic’ pastors have built empires on the back of the fact that people decide to suspend reason when dealing with men of God and are simply interested in giving them blind loyalty.

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