
I Was Forced to Work As A Prostitute To Survive – Ghanaian Man Shares Harrowing Story After Traveling To Russia


Almost every Ghanaian has plans of leaving the country to seek greener pastures in a foreign land when they get the opportunity but stories like this is what makes them think twice. Maxwell Mannsmann, a Ghanaian living abroad, has narrated a harrowing experience travelling abroad for the first time. He travelled to Russia to better … Read more

Screenshots: Top Female Nigerian Celebrities Are Chasing Men With Foreign Passport So They Can Leave Nigeria


The current state of Nigeria after the protest have forced some well known personalities to take decisions that will save their lives. Nigeria has been torn between protest, police brutality, petty crimes and mass murder and any person of sound mind would want to flee for his/her life. READ ALSO: You Must Answer Questions For … Read more

Broke Celebrities Travel Abroad To Wash Bowls And Clean Toilet Just To Survive – Sonni Balli Confirms


There has been a notion in town that our favorite celebrities who spend their income lavishly travel abroad to wash bowls and clean toilets when they get broke. Rapper Okyeame Kwame once told his story on how he worked at a restaurant in the States after he blew money from his music career on useless … Read more

The Search for Greener Pastures | 6 Men Defrauded by Pastor Who Promised to Send Them Abroad

Kotoka Airport
Kotoka Airport

This morning we found out how Ghanaians love patronising foreign second hand clothes, to the detriment of the local textile industry. That issue speaks to the love of Ghanaians for everything foreign, to the extent that people would go heaven and hell to find a way to leave this country even without any guarantees of what is waiting for them on the other side.

This proverbial search for greener pastures has landed six individuals in hot water, as a ‘man of God’, Pastor Kwame Wura Bempah of the Christian Faith Vineyard, has been arrested by police for defrauding these people to the tune of GHc 304,020. The good pastor had promised these individuals that he could arrange travel and employment for them in the United States of America.

Now the economy is hard and everything, but if I could raise the amount these individuals had I would probably find a way to make some more money out of it down here in Ghana, but maybe that’s just me. Anyway, it seems it was a pretty elaborate scheme that got these guys, as they were taken to the American Embassy for their fingerprints to be taken, probably giving them the impression the whole process was legitimate and above board.

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