
DO YOU KNOW THAT: Usage of Mouthwash Has Been ‘Linked to Oral Cancer’?

Young woman using mouthwash


I am not sure anyone uses mouth wash more than 3 times a day but if you do,  be aware that such usage has been linked to oral cancer…

According to Dr David Conway, a senior lecturer at the University of Glasgow Dental School, said people should not routinely use a mouthwash and stick to brushing and flossing instead as heavy usage has a greater chance of developing mouth and throat cancer.


DailyMail Reports;

The research supports an Australian study in 2009, which said there was ‘sufficient evidence’ that mouthwashes containing alcohol contribute to an increased risk of the disease, because they allow cancer-causing substances to penetrate the lining of the mouth more easily.

In the latest study, in journal Oral Oncology, University of Glasgow researchers and European colleagues assessed 1,962 cancer sufferers and 1,993 healthy people in 13 centres across nine countries.

Those with poor oral health, including people with dentures and persistently bleeding gums, were at greater risk, they found.

The study set out to identify risk factors for oral cancers affecting the mouth and larynx, as well as oesophageal cancer of the gullet.

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