
She Has A Gucci Bag Worth £3000 & Yet She Has Less Than £100 in Savings…



Do contemporary young black women have any idea regarding priorities and the increasing fight to break the chain of poverty?

As a black man who completed University few years ago and still struggling to climb the career ladder out here in Europe, I understand passion does not always pay the bills and therefore, I must do the jobs I am not passionate about to be able to find grounds for my passion.

I love music and I hope to become a music producer or executive one day. In fact, I want to start with a recording studio and that is why I pump every little cash I make from the job I hate into buying my studio equipments.

I’ve cut down on the number of clothes I buy and I do not go near the expensive designer ones. I have a great taste for high fashion but if I want to break the chain of poverty, I understand I need to invest into my future and make savings a priority.

I recently met a young Ghanaian woman who relocated to Europe with her parents when she was 7 years—and has not been to Ghana since.

Apart from our common heritage, we shared a lot and had closely related plans of becoming our own boss, taking into our hands our destiny and future.

Conceptually, we seemed identical and the conversation always took interesting directions—but there was a problem.  Just like the many young black women I knew in University, Lydia also loved the expensive designers and mixed the fake ones with the few real ones she had.

During our more than 6 months activities of getting to know each other, Lydia flaunted her expensive designer bags and shoes in the face of the irony that, she was late on her rent payment each month.

There was a time she asked me for £70 loan for a monthly train ticket to work—and this opened the discussion about what lies in her savings account for emergencies.

Since Lydia was also a struggling graduate like me, I did not expect her to have millions or high thousands of pounds in her account—that would have even scared the hell out of me and raised questions instead of answers.

It was shocking to me when I learnt for a fact that, the young beautiful woman who held Gucci bags which she claims to have bought some for £3000, bragged about dozen designer shoes and Louis Vuitton travel bags had less than £100 pounds in her savings account. In fact, she had not even deposited any money in her savings since 2011 and yet, she had purchased several designer bags (both fake and real).

Before and after Lydia, I have met several black women who take pride in the expensive bags and shoes they own, when they do not even know how they will afford the next day’s breakfast—and do not invest anything into the big future dreams they have.

The better ones I know spend several hundreds on long weaves, despite the fact that their bank balance runs into negative each week.

With such level of misplace priorities, can we ever break the chain of poverty?


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4 thoughts on “She Has A Gucci Bag Worth £3000 & Yet She Has Less Than £100 in Savings…”

  1. 3000 pounds for a bag is that going to give her access to heaven Tweeeeaa. Before I  “put a ring on it” on people like that I will observe her parents…. There are lots of reasons she could be acting this way. Self esteem, peer pressure, etc. But by in large wanting to do something like this is a learned behaviour… she either:

    (1) Has parents who recklessly spend money but have shitty jobs. They can’t afford the rent, but her mom always has new jewelry. Most of the time this is because the guy in the relationship is an idiot and won’t tell the girl to straighten out. Not sure how guys date people like that come to fear their girl so much, but most 

    (2) Her parents have money and still spend recklessly (not a good sign BTW) and are constantly trying to keep up appearances and your GF thinks that she can do the same by association. In this instance she probably already does spend recklessly, but her lifestyle is subsidized by her enabling parents. I dated a girl like this once… so I speak from experience.

    My advice if you are dealing with options 1 or 2… Or even have friends like that get out now. What do you think will happen if you marry this girl? These kinds of behaviours don’t change overnight and who do you think is going to be stuck paying for this shit once you are married?

    As I’m sure you are aware the world runs on credit, so if you have any hope of buying a new car/house/ or building etc. in the near future and you marry a train wreck like this your score is automatically in the tank… and what extra money you do have will go to paying interest charges.
    Guys, you have to train these girls. The more you spoil the more you will have to spoil in the future. They are like children but instead of toys and candy, its diamonds, shoes, and purses.


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