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KKD Has Been Arrested for Alleged RAPE | Being Kept at the Airport Police Station


Information reaching GhanaCelebrities.Com has it that, celebrity broadcast journalist-KKD has been arrested for alleged rape—and he is currently being locked at the airport police station…

As to details of the rape and the woman involved, we are yet to get this information but the arrest and detention at the Airport Police station of KKD has been confirmed.

KKD (real name Kwesi Kyei Darkwa) is an ace-Ghanaian broadcast journalist who seeks to define his presence at any gathering with his unique style of dressing—mostly decorated with a walking stick.

We are being told KKD was arrested near the African Regent hotel this morning and though KKD insist the woman in question consented to the intercourse, the woman is saying otherwise.

When it comes to the crime of rape, the controversy mostly lies around CONSENT—so even if consent was given under duress, it may not be regarded as a genuine consent. And also, a woman may consent to visiting your room but does not necessary mean she has consented to sex.

Of course, as the story develops, we would be able to establish where CONSENT has become an issue…

To be frank, being arrested for smoking weed is far better then RAPE in law and this is not because of the moral umbrella hovering over these two crimes. But because when it comes to RAPE, the most important ingredient which is CONSENT remains the most controversial element in criminal law.

Under criminal law, a woman may undress herself and say let’s get banging, and as you are on top of her—the moment she changes her mind and says, stop going in and out of me, consent has been revoked. So even if you decide to just go for a last push inside her; that is RAPE. It sounds very stupid but that is the law.

Also, if you believe a woman has consented to sex because she did not really say STOP it when you were touching her, that can still amount to RAPE because she has not given consent just by virtue of not protesting.

This is why one of my friends has a consent form in his bed room, a woman signs it before they get into even touching each other—pretty odd but he is just trying to safeguard his butt against RAPE or sexual assault accusations.

The consent must come from the woman which gives the woman a lot of room to manipulate developments. If she doesn’t even like the seks, she can later say consent was not granted and therefore you raped her. Of course only a mad woman will do this but that is a possibility.

Even if a woman gives her consent under duress; the duress element invalidates the consent—meaning she did not really agree to having intercourse with you though it may seem she did.

And the fact that she came or shouted ‘Oh God I am coming’ and splashed it all over your bed is not an evidence of consent—you can make a woman come as many times as possible and still be liable for rape.

What a law we live with…right? But that is the most plausible way our behaviour can be regulated so we have to respect the law—and more importantly the wishes of women.

KKD may be in ‘hot waters’, far hotter than that of Kwaw Kese if the allegations turn out to be true…

This post was published on December 28, 2014 12:35 PM

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