
I Am Popular And Richer Than You – Ayisha Modi Tells Zionfelix

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Artist manager and social media influencer, Ayisha Modi has told blogger Zionfelix in a latest interview that she is richer and more popular than him.

Zionfelix visited Ayisha Modi at her newly opened restaurant to interview her.

Ayisha Modi ended up opening up about the land and house she claimed Rev. Obofour had dashed her in 2020. She confessed that she lied about the land issue.

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According to Ayisha Modi, she has several properties spread across town but none was given to her by the man of God. She denied the claims, explaining that no one can afford the things that she can afford for herself.

Tagging herself as a ‘playman’, Madam Modi bragged people could not afford what she gives to them in the form of gifts.

She, however, threw light on a gift she received from Rev Obofour and his wife, a dress.

Ayisha Modi further talked about her relationship with the popular Ghanaian religious leader and his wife.

READ ALSO:I Am Popular And Richer Than You – Ayisha Modi Tells Zionfelix


This post was published on August 31, 2023 1:38 PM

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