
Teenage Girls Obsessed With Celebrity ‘Thigh Gaps’ Are Starving Themselves To Achieve The Super-Skinny Look

Yvonne Nelson
Yvonne Nelson

This is what some of us fear and have been talking about for some years now…Celebrities are failing to realize how much of an influnce their body image have on their followers/fans, especially teenage girls.

According a recent piece by Daily Star, teenage girls who are so obsessed with copying stick-thin celebrities are starving themselves so they can achieve a ‘thigh gap’.

Young women have become fixated with their legs not touching and hope to emulate the thin frames of models such as Cara Delevingne and Eleanor Calder, girlfriend of One Direction member Louis Tomlinson.

Admirers of the look – which demands legs so thin that they do not touch above the knees, have created Twitter accounts dedicated to the pair’s ‘thigh gap’

Young Twitter users say they are desperate to lose weight so they can copy the girls’ look – even if it means denying themselves food.

According to the DailyMail;

The Daily Star said Twitter users had threatened to ‘starve themselves’ to reach the ‘longed-for look’.

Websites promoting the desired thigh gap show thousands of images dedicated to the achievement of losing weight until they have a space between their thighs.

And young women are using social networking technology to share tips and pictures and ‘inspire’ each other’s misguided attempts to copy their favourite celebrities.

In April last year Alexa Chung was forced to remove a picture of her and her mother from her Instagram account after she was accused of being ‘thinspiration’ for vulnerable fans.

The model and presenter is known for her very slim frame, but fans felt that this picture made too much of her shockingly slim legs.

All around the world, this is becoming a big problem and it is gaining weight in Ghana too. Even though I believe the media is at fault for given unnecessary audience to some of these excessive starving-thin celebrities, the celebrities themselves have a duty to present themselves in a healthy way, especially when they have millions of young fans.

Nadia Buari
Nadia Buari

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10 thoughts on “Teenage Girls Obsessed With Celebrity ‘Thigh Gaps’ Are Starving Themselves To Achieve The Super-Skinny Look”

      • @27cдгibre(Ф_ф), its either “Facebook”, or “Daily Mail” news or “me and my friends had an conversation about……” The part that kills me most is when there is a topics like Muntari’s wife how one story can become part 1, 2 and 3 followed by a “readers mail” less than 24 hours the willy lynch letter get posted but it clearly shows this below the blog “It may take some time to get published because I receive a lot of such mails and need to publish them one after the other. Thank You.” And most willy lynch letters are either from USA or Ghana lol only God knows

    • @RocklynLove, from the pics you put here, you have a proper African woman’s shape so please eat well my dear! We African people don’t appreciate all these stick creatures. I mean, no one is advocating for people to become fat/ unhealthy but some curves are necessary o! You can ask the guys if you doubt me. hmmm. I think Yvonne & nadia are very beautiful but to be honest, I liked how they looked before all this weight loss. An actress like Martha ankomah’s looks are ideal, trim figure, trim waist with a nice round African booty lol


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